ok, i am serious this time!!!


Premium Member
i am GOING TO DO A MANTIS TANK!!! at least by may...would like to set it up earlier.

i would like to use a 10gal tank to save room and because it really shouldn't need much room. so do i need acrylic or not?

have most everything planned out. gonna use either two 20w tubes or small pc's about 6lbs of LR and a 5-6" sand bed of southdown or www.purearagonite.com sand. then using a PVC type fitting for a hole for my little critter and going to run a prism just to make sure the water quality stays up. regular weekly 1-2 gal water changes. have a HOT ac mini power filter for some circulation and a surface skimmer on it need to hide or protect the heater too.

gonna do it because i have EVERYTHING but the mantis...and if i need an acrylic tank so should be a cheap but very facinating endevor

make my own stand and hood nothing too special and painting the back black.

so where could/should i pick a nice bright but small colored one up?

any suggestions or comments would be great!!!
thank you all
I am no expert but I have a 2" mantis in his own 10 gal for a few months now with no problems, I did make a partition with acrylic so the heater can stay in the back.

I actually just tossed the mantis into the office tank haphazardly and it's doing just fine.

It's a ten gallon with about four/five inches of sand. The sand's been innoculated with an ungodly amount of stuff from about three other tanks, and at least two detrivore packs from IPSF and other places.

It's working out nicely. Oddly enough, the mantis hasn't touched the one fish that was in there to start with, but it's eaten everything else in the tank.