Omg! Did I Just Kill My New Squamosa?!!


Premium Member
I'm on vacation this week & here in NYC it's been raining all week. So since I couldn't go anywhere I've been "LFS hopping."
I've been reading up on clams for a month & decided a Squamosa would be suitable for my first clam & the 2-175W 10K MH & 2-40W NO actinics I have. I talked to my LFS guy here at "Petland" & mentioned I was in the hunt for a Squamosa. He came through for me & got me 1 huge son-of-gun! About the size of a soft ball. Corraline encrusted with flower anemones attached & who knows what else, 6 1/2" across brown & green & tan striated. I fell in love & purchased it. He triple bagged it & I took it home. Thing must weigh about 4 lbs. I floated the bag & tied it to the side of my stand to begin acclimating it. 1/2 hr. later I started openning the 3 bags he put it in. When I got to the final bag the damn thing broke loose from the rope I had it tied to & went crashing down 30" on my 270lbs of live rock :eek2: He came out of the bags & not wanting to stress him any further I "dusted" him off, uprighted him & left him there. I won't forgive myself if this huge specimen that took who knows how many years to reach this size is hurt or killed by my stupidity. Please tell me he'll make it! It's been abou 3 hrs & he has openned up & seems to have settled. What do you think? --Rob--
Wait did you or your clam went crashing down, I'm sure you ment the clam;)

He'll be fine.... Squamosa's are hardy, and that's what their shells are for.
Th poor clam did. I wish it was me. It wouldn't hurt as much. I'm not so worried about the fall it took, but that it was not acclimated, basically just dumped in. He really doesn't look much worse for the wear. Probably hurt me more than it did him. --Rob--
from what i understand clams are more stressed by temperature swings than by salinity swings, so assuming the wayer had a chance to equalize in temp, you should be ok, just don't go "clam bowling" in the future.
I bet it will be fine. If you had dropped it on a hard floor, I would be worried. But think about how much a clam weighs under water. I bet its not that much. (whats a clam's specific gravity?:rolleyes: ) Anyway, it probably didn't sink that fast and probably didnt hit the rocks as hard as you think.

Wow, I didn't catch that it wasn't acclimated... That CAN be a problem... However squamosa's are heck of hardy, and I'm sure your's will pull through, to let you in on a secret, my 5 month old thriving squammy had a similar accident!;) :)
Hi guys. Hard to tell how he's doing, being my first clam and whatnot. He hasn't really moved from what I can tell. His Mantle recesses at night & extends somewhat during the day. His syphon openings fluctuate from time to time but he stays open. Hasn't closed since I inadvertantly "DUMPED" him in. I haven't tried to move him or bother him, my fish haven't bothered him & none of the snails or other inverts have gone near him. So I hope that's a good sign :rolleyes: I have seen some filamentous strands protruding from him at night & looks like his "foot" dug into the sand. But I shined a flashlight on him & he didn't even flinch. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for your concern, I'll keep you updated. --Rob--
WOW!:eek2: justletmein
Now I don't feel so bad. Just makes you feel awful to have a mishap like that. Mine doesn't seem any worse. He is acting, well like a clam:rolleyes: I heard they move around to find a likeable spot. But mine hasn't budged from where I first placed him. He never completely closes, not even after the fall. His mantle does retact at night & extend during light hrs. Does that sound pretty normal for an acclimating clam? Thanks again --Rob--
Clam sounds OK

Clam sounds OK

I'd be worried more about the 'flower anemones' on the clams shell. Are those brown and about the size of a dime or nickel?

If so I have bad news for you.
