On-line fish stores for Japan


New member
I'm not in Okinawa, but I am in Japan...hope you don't mind me asking a question here:

Do you know of any on-line aquarium stores in Japan that have an English web sight?

If not, do you order living stuff on line some how to be shipped to Japan?

I'm in Yokosuka, Japan now...but I have been to Okinawa several times when I was on the USS Essex.
In the immediate area, the only one I can think of that would ship, officially-that is, id AquaCultureOkinawa (ACO). Here's their link. The site is Japanese but Taira-san, the owner, speaks a limited amount of English adn if you want coral, he can get coral, and if you want fish, he can get you a particluar type of fish, live rock; he makes his own; etc. Here's his link:
His number is 098-871-1820 and personal e-mail is

Good Luck!!
Welcome to the gang!

Unless livestock is shipped from japan, you won't be able to get it. ACO is probably your best bet. There are some other stores that ship but I can't recall the names right now. Hopefully someone else will chime in.