Orange clownfish turned black


New member
Hello ReefCentral. I purchased some mocha storm clownfish from my local fish store about 6 months ago. Today while doing a water change I noticed they are now almost the black and white storm clownfish color. Is this weird??

I included some stock footage picture links below of when I bought them and how they look now but I can post pictures of the actual fish if that helps.



Also hate to admit I found out the tank temp was somewhat high. My home stays comfortable around 72 degrees but the room the tank is in gets lots of sunlight and it was over 84 degrees in the tank. I opened the AC vent to the room so it will be normal temp now with the heater running.
Wow, I did not know that. My longfin clownfish turned a nice dark orange color as he got older but I didn't know they would/could go from bright orange to black.
I had a black ice clownfish last year that started out as orange, black and white and ended up being almost completely black and white 8 months later. The color change is one of the things I don't like about the designer clowns.