Orange Spearers: Lysiosquilloides mapia


New member
Just FYI:

Doc Caldwell gave a heads up about the naming of a previously unnnamed spearer...

<p>The large extremely beautiful orange spearers that have captivated divers in Indonesia are now named: <i>Lysiosquilloides mapia</i>

<p>Click <a href="">here</a>, and <a href="">here</a>, and <a href="">here</a> to view pics. I'm hoping those are actually the relevant pics ;-)

<br><br>Reference: Erdmann, M.V. and M. Boyer. 2003. Lysiosquilloides mapia, a new species of stomatopod crustacean from northern Sulawesi (Stomatopoda: Lysiosquillidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51:43-47.
Thanks for the update Kalim. The eyes on those are pretty incredible.

So many species... so little time... and tanks!

you're welcome, and yep, they look pretty cool...too bad no one has a fullbody pic of one yet...they must look like orange centipedes....
Actually, the body doesn't look that much different from Lysiosquillina maculata. It is just the head and eyes that look so different. They are striped and have the same basic body plan. While there are tons of photos floating around of L. mapia, only a hand full have ever been captured by biologists.
