OT: Blu-ray tops HD-DVD


Timo Boll
Well, in a classic struggle, (often times that reminded me of the beta-max vs VHS format war of the 1980's), it appears that Toshiba has thrown in the towel, and will discontinue the production of HD DVD's and players.

Sony's Blu-Ray format has the backing of more major hollywood film studios, and rather than fight it out any longer, Toshiba is calling it quits.

I think Sony must still be holding a grudge from their Beta-Max loss of the 1980's, and they obviously took some notes :) Even though they had the better format, the refusal to license the production of their equipment and media was their ultimate downfall.

So what does this mean? All of you poor people who went out and bought an HD-DVD player for your 1080p TV are now behind the times, and need to buy a Blu-ray player :( Toshiba will halt the importing on the players by the end of March, and those hollywood studios that signed contracts to produce only HD-DVD's will now have to switch and move over to Blu-Ray. Can you imagine how much those studios have invested in production equipment?????

This is the biggest problem with technology nowadays. I refuse to be the guinea pig of large corporations, and will NOT buy any highend equipment until Gen-2 or 3 hits the market. Just like the iphone. I'd love to have one, but they're so new, there is too much improvement to be made, and by the end of next year, the $600 gen-1 will be severely dated.

Is anyone else out there a video/audio geek? Digital media was my major in college, and although I did not choose a profession along those lines, I still find myself REALLY into whats going on :D... perhaps why I love to talk about aquarium equipment so much!

Anyways, thoughts? Or am I WAAAAYYY OT here?
Can you imagine how much those studios have invested in production equipment?????
Actually, the cost to produce an HD-DVD is a drop in the bucket compared to Blu-ray. DVD manufacturers could update their existing equipment to create HD-DVDs for very little $. But producing Blu-Ray requires a new mulit-million $ machine. I'll try to dig up the article I read regarding this.

I have a PS3 and am very pleased Blu-Ray won. Its the better format, but I thought for sure HD-DVD would win because they had the cheaper equipment and movies were generally cheaper to buy. I will miss the great sales on the BluRay movies during the format war. I have a feeling the days of $15 BluRay movies is gone for now.

PS, Jim, the iPhone is worth every penny. Even the first gen one!

yes, IMO, the better format won. Sony is a very strong company, and even though they are not nearly as strong in Japan as they are here in the states, Toshiba will have to take a back seat. Why? Because OUR market is what dictates who wins. Not their's ;)

There is no doubt that the iphone is worth the money!!! They are SICK! But when the 32 gig G3 enabled mac daddy hits the market, Gen-1 buyers will ALL be rushing to the apple store to buy one... And I'd rather buy 1 $600 iphone than 2 :eek2:
I know this point is probably not worth saying because of the inevitability of the HD take over but the war isn't over yet . . . A lot of people are forgetting about the one major player who still has a stronghold over the market, DVD! Like I said, with more and more people buying HD TVs, I know that this PROBABLY will change, but to say that the Blu-ray has won is a little presumptuous don't ya think?!
I definitely agree, having a Panny Plasma and a PS3 for my Blu-ray watching, but I was just putting it out there that DVD has a HUGE established base not to mention that HDTVS, while growing in numbers, still are a minority taking into account the whole country. I do agree that Blu-ray will eventually take over, but I dont think you can say that it is over right now (if that makes sense). BTW, one of my best friends is what you people would call a videophile/audiophile which is why I know a little bit of this stuff!
Oh yeah, one more thing, did you hear that one of the major Toshiba execs said that that havent "officially" decided anything after they heard about the leak yesterday morning? I'm not sure if there had been an "official" announcement or not yet. After Warner hopped on to the Blu-ray side, it was over. If Toshiba thinks that they can somehow gets into this, they are crazy!!!
Since we are on the HD subject, does anyone know when Direct TV or Comcast will be expanding their HD offerings? I've heard things saying soon and that was almost a year ago!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11888102#post11888102 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jimdogg187
There is no doubt that the iphone is worth the money!!! They are SICK! But when the 32 gig G3 enabled mac daddy hits the market, Gen-1 buyers will ALL be rushing to the apple store to buy one... And I'd rather buy 1 $600 iphone than 2 :eek2:
That is exactly why I bought the phone for my wife and not for me. I, too, am waiting for a 32GB version with G3 and hopefully GPS.
I don't know much about Blu Ray but I heard that the newer players coming out will be for a new standard and not to rush out and by a Blu Ray player right now. They seemed to suggest that the PS3 already uses the next generation standard though (?)

...finally and excuse to buy a PS3!
Maybe what they mean is that to my knowledge, Blu-rays that are out right now have only used, at most, half of the space on the disk because I dont think they were able to use the dual layer technology because of an issue with the laser speed. Someone please correct me if Im wrong. maybe the issue you are talking about deals with this. So maybe the "newer" Blu-ray player will be able to do this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11888007#post11888007 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bored4long
I have a PS3 and am very pleased Blu-Ray won. Its the better format, but I thought for sure HD-DVD would win because they had the cheaper equipment and movies were generally cheaper to buy.

Bummer, my $120 HD-DVD add-on for my xbox 360 is a nice paperweight now, but at least I can play Halo 3 on my 360.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11888549#post11888549 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bladeruner143
Maybe what they mean is that to my knowledge, Blu-rays that are out right now have only used, at most, half of the space on the disk because I dont think they were able to use the dual layer technology because of an issue with the laser speed. Someone please correct me if Im wrong. maybe the issue you are talking about deals with this. So maybe the "newer" Blu-ray player will be able to do this.

Yes, right now they are experimenting with multiple layer's and anticipate to be able to fit up to 100 gigs on 1 blu-ray.

The next generation will most likely be able to read those discs.

Blu-rays use a tighter track pitch, which essentially allows more info per disc than HD-DVD.


Bummer about the player. Toshiba claims that their are about 300,000 in your shoes. The 360 is still awesome anyways.

Its the people who bought only the players that are SOL. My older brother is one of them :lol:
I cant wait to see some of the movies when they finally are able to get the dual layer going, not to mention the video games!!!

yes, the 32 gig will be madness! GPS would be nice, but the google maps on my blackberry is spot-on. Real time and free :D If google makes the software for the mac platform, we could have our cake and eat it too!!
Saying DVD is still competeing with the HD-dvd, and blu-ray is like hopeing cassete tapes will make a comeback this year.

PS3 did well putting the blu-ray into the system....

But you have to admit, Bill Gates was peeking into his crystal ball again, by making the Xbox360's HD-DVD a seperate component.
Yes, those that bought it are out $150 bucks, but how would you feel if you bought a PS3 and blu-ray lost out?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11888888#post11888888 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bladeruner143
I cant wait to see some of the movies when they finally are able to get the dual layer going, not to mention the video games!!!

Well, unless they make a new format, the best picture resolution that the B-R can produce is 1080p. True, more space does allow for more information, but the 1080p is the max the TV and player can put out.

You will however, be able to put more movies or episodes on 1 disc though! that'll be sweet. With being able to put that much info on a disc, video games will be able to be broadcast in 1080p as well. I'm sure we'll see those soon too :D

1080p Madden!! Its on!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11888932#post11888932 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Twisted

PS3 did well putting the blu-ray into the system....

But you have to admit, Bill Gates was peeking into his crystal ball again, by making the Xbox360's HD-DVD a seperate component.
Yes, those that bought it are out $150 bucks, but how would you feel if you bought a PS3 and blu-ray lost out?

So true!!!

And MS can now contract sony or matushida to make a BR player for their console. Once again, Gates makes another brilliant move!!!