overflow-sump help


Active member
im making a sump. i have a 25 gallon tank and a 10 gallon sump. the sump will have the skimmer in it and a refrugurm. i would like to know what size for the gph and drain for the over flow.also what size gph for the pump.
thanks puffer21
You don't want a massive flow going through your fuge.

Use a Closed loop or power heads for flow.

For you fuge I say stay under 500gph even lower is good, mine is about 350. On the main RC page left side menu you'll find calculators for head loss etc... They will help you find out how big a pump you need.

A 1" drain will handle at most 600gph.

Head loss is the pressure a pump has to push against to create flow. There are two basic kinds, static and dynamic. Static head loss is the 4' of head a sump return pump has to work against to return water from the sump to the display. Dynamic head loss refers to the skin friction in the piping which is a result of flow velocity. The slower the flow, the less the dynamic head loss which is why people in the know try to use the largest diameter piping they can. The same volumetric flow rate has a lower velocity in a larger diameter pipe.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6930562#post6930562 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by puffer21
i still confused so does that mean i should get a 500 gph with 1' bulkhead.

Check-out the head loss calculator. You need to know what size pipe your using how high from pump to return in tank. how many 90 degree elbow in the pipe.

a 500gph pump from a ft away with no elbows would be to much.

From 14ft down in the basement with 4 90 degrees would be too little.

I have struggled with alot of this as well. Find someone with a tank who will let you see thier set up. Will answer a lot of questions for you.