

New member
I am setting up a 65 gallon mixed reef. I wanted:
3x Bartlett's Anthias
2x Percula Clowns
1x Leopard wrasse
2x firefish
1x Regal Angel
I know the regals are hard to keep but i have been researching a lot. I have a coralife 125 skimmer, and a 20 gallon refugium. Any ideas?
Do you think your tank will be large enough for that angel? Also are you worried about having it in a mixed reef?
In that article he also mentions he is getting ready to move all the inhabitants into a 180g tank.

According to liveaquria.com the regal needs somewhere around a 100g tank as the fish can get up to 10" in captivity.

Also from liveaquria.com,
"The Regal Angelfish is prone to nip at large-polyped stony corals, soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles, but may be kept with small-polyped stony corals and somewhat noxious soft corals."

And marinedepotlive.com recomends at least an 80g tank.

In my opinion in the short term it may be ok, if you can get one that eats. However, in the long wrong it should have a larger home. I'm not sure how fast they grow, but you'd have to take that into consideration.