oyster drill


New member
The cute little red & black baby conch that hitch hiked on my live rock is an oyster driller. He has devoured all the little rock clams & oysers I had in my reeftank. I am now keeping him in my 5 gallon with thumper my little green mantis shrimp. Any thoughts on what I should do with him? Anybody want him? Could he also be why all my snails & blue leg crabs disappeared?
Hi cuda6872,
Although there are exceptions to every rule most snails that are clam drillers are obligate molluscavores (only eat molluscs). I could imagine him harming snails (do the shells of the dead snails appear damaged?) but I would think he wouldn't eat crabs. Perhaps he "drilled" the snail shell only to find it was a crab inside after taking a few bites out of its soft tissue, fatally inguring it?

Hope this helps,