
Me No Nemo

Premium Member
I know the basics of ozone use and setup but have never used it myself. I'm working on a system design for a fish only, barebottom display running with a wet/dry system. The total water capacity is about 120 and I plan to include a dryer and ORP meter on an AquaC 120 EV skimmer. Any thoughts, suggestions or experiences with ozone or various name brands? Thanks for your time and have a great day!! Marcye
I use a 100mg Red-Sea ozonator with the controller on a 112g SPS tank. Very happy with it overall and was able to get a great deal on a used unit from eBay. I'd suggest choosing your model based on not using the beads - i.e., they are a major PITA to dry out every other day. Without them, the ozonator reportedly decreases output to 50% of the setting. SO if you think you will need 50mg ozone, but the 100mg ozone unit.