Painting acrylic?


New member
My OCD is taking over. I blacked out the back of my sump, and now I want to black out the back of my acrylic ATO container. Will just painting the back suffice? Should I sand it? Any tips appreciated. It's totally unecessary but I'm a stickler for details, lol.
Do not sand....just paint with a water based paint from HD ....I use a roller when I apply it just takes a few moments
Will spray paint work? Like one of those plastic paints? If not, can you elaborate on "water based"? Pardon my ignorance. Thanks!
dont use the spray yes it will work but will not give as thick a lasting coat and will scratch off with the slightest of bumps ....the water based was recommended from the guys at ATM which that is the tank I have.....they said the oil based has something in it that will effect the acrylic over time dont quote me on that I cant remember exactly what he said it was something to that effect its been almost 2 years since I did mine
The spray does scratch easy but only if it's going to be handled alot. Being an ATO I don't know if you have it there permanently.

On my new tank I went with the roller and paint instead of the spray. Only reason I did it was because HD doesn't sell krylon fusion. The paint and roller was a pain and messy but the end result was great.