Passive Mantis ?


New member
I was under the impression that Mantis were killers... Some time ago, I got a bright green mantis and put him in an Eclipse12. Shortly after that I put a Neon Velvet Damsel in there with him which I didn't expect to survive.

As time went on, I put a small percula clown in there because he was almost killed by other percula's in my reef tank.

About a month later, I put a tiny yellow goby (the smallest saltwater fish I've ever seen in) because it was perching on top of my LPS corals and generally ****ing me off.

The mantis and all the fish are thriving and growing. The mantis is about four inches or more. But I'm always surprised that he doesn't kill any of the fish.

Are the mantis just getting a bad rap ? Or do I have a passive shrimp...
I have the same thing. I had a 4 inch mantis with fish and corals and even a clam and she never bother any of the residents. It is a good scape goat to ppl when a fish dies in thier reef. It must have been a mantis. Unless the mantis is starving or it is a spear they leave fish a lone. Atleast what I have seen.
