Peaceful Mantis?


Premium Member
Has anyone ever had a peaceful mantis in their tank? I've had one in my 200 gallon for a long time now. The tank has been up for three years now, and I have heard the clicking since it was first set up. At first I assumed that the clicking was from a pistol shrimp, but realized about a year ago that it was a mantis. He is living in a piece of my live rock in an area that is easily visible. He watches the fish constantly, yet never strikes at them. I've had no coral, shrimp, or fish casualties in my tank whatsoever! I've done a lot of checking and am positive that this is a mantis; the stalk eyes and body are exactly like all the pictures that I've seen. However his body is a dull grey with only a very light pearlescent green sheen over it. He is about 2 1/2" long and has stayed that size since I first spotted him around a year ago, so I'm assuming that he won't get any larger.

I just can't see eliminating him from the tank when he's done no harm....but then I I being naive in thinking that he will remain peaceful?
I am assuming that the mantis already has something to eat in your tank thats why he is not going after your fish, but there is always posibility that one day you will be missing a fish or coral. I really wouldn't worry about it because if he hasn't done anything in 3 years I doubt he will start all of a sudden.
no snails or hermits missin? that could be easy for and go easily unnoticed in a tank that large.

i don't know...i would think once the food runs out it would strike...i don't know. kid of risky but yet it hasn't harmed. i would set up a tank for it only then you still can have the guy but not worry about it or potentially lose a fish or something.
