People with maximas and VHO


Premium Member
I have 740 watts of VHO over my 125 with 2 bulbs being Ultra Daylight. Can I be successful with this lighting and what are your experiences with success? I was planning on a squamosa, but after seeing a couple posts with beautiful clams lit by VHO it made me think. I know that most people recommend halide, but my hood doesn't allow enough room and it is too beautiful for me to screw with it...LOL. Thanks
With the long term health of your clams in mind I really think you oughta stick with lower light clams like Squamosas and Derasas....I wouldn't count on those beautiful Maximas to stay beautiful long term under VHO. The light intensity just isn't there.....:rolleyes:
Well that is what I was afraid of! I'm not one of those people that wants to get by with the minimum amount of lighting. Until I become friends with a carpenter that wants to build me a new canopy, I guess I will stick to the squamosa idea. I have seen some pretty cool coloration patterns here lately. Thanks and any other opinions would be appreciated.
There are some really nice looking Derasas out there- for a little variety you oughta check those out too!