Pic of our O. Scyllarus


New member

Just sharing a pic... This is our 4" female O. Scyllarus. We bought her at 6th Avenue Aquarium in San Francisco for $19.99. Awesome pet... one of the smartest animals you will have in a reeftank. :)

She's a little angry that the camera is so close to her. Normally her days are stress free breaking shells and den building.

That is a very nice mantis. I was thinking of getting one and putting him in my 30 gallon with some damsels. My friend has some damsels with his mantis and they are much to quick for the mantis to catch. Anywase that is one good looking O. Scyllarus.
That's a really nice pic! :)

That's a good price to pay for a Mantis compared to what you get in return, I would think they cost more since they are so beautiful!
I'm green with envy!! That is one GORGEOUS mantis! I would like to get an O. Scyllarus sometime, I just don't want to set up another tank and I think the mantis I have now would be quite jealous. ;)
Hi RC!!! Great looking mantis you got there. I agree that is a really good price for what you get. Beautiful coloration on her. Very envious that you have such a great specimem.

Jeeps :wave: :) :thumbsup:
Hey Rouge, good to see you over here at RC as well. I have been lurking on this fourm for a couple of months and finally decided to start posting some.
Hey KR,

You too! :)
Jeepster above is one of our RAG buddies too.

Mantis' are still kind of a specialty and still hated by many hobbiests. This forum is the best place for Mantis keepers, especially with Dr. Roy frequenting here. I think we're wearing down the "haters" tho... many many more people are interested in keeping them now.

