OK the Specs:
75 gallon RR
40 gallon sump/ fuge
2 54w Current usa 10 k T5's run on Workhorse 5
1 54w Cuttent usa actinic T5 and 1 110w Vho on IceCap 430
ASM Gen-x1 Skimmer
Reeftek Kalk reactor gravity feed.
2 HomeDepot spot lights in fuge with cheato, xenia, red shrooms, snails, hermits, brittlestar, black sea urchin
5 PH on a redsea wavemaker.
PH: 8.2
Temp: 78-80
Ammonia : 0
Nitrites : 0
Nitrates : 10
Calcium : 450
Salinity 1.025
Alk : 11 dkh
Naso Tang
Flame angel
Yellow wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
2 O. clown
5 firefish
Yellow watchman
Orangespot watchman
Bicolor blennie
Rainford gobie
2 cleanershrimp
3 fire shrimp
yellow sea cucumber
brittle sea star
Porcelain Crab
Emerald crab
assorted snails and scarlet crabs
I do a 10 gallon water change once a month. Auto topoff with the kalk reactor drip. Dose with some iodine once a week. Sometimes i feed the tank baby brine shrimp i have for my baby sea horses.
I think that covers it.