pics of the tank


New member
anybody wanna tell me what the heck that pink thing is? it looked nice at the LFS and my wife said she wanted it soooooo. well we all know we have to buy them something once in a while or we will have to take our tanks down. :)






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you talking about the top pic?? that is Orange cup coral or sometimes called sun coral.. fairly difficult to take care of. You have to manual feed them by hand. they like adult brine shrimp or mysid shrimp. they usually open up at night, but will open if you feed them at the same time every day.
nice buy, it's a good size frag too. I just feed mine small chunks of fresh fish, and that way I only have to target feed it once a week. Once you train it to open during the day, it wil benefit from your daily feedings as well.

*Turn off you pump, and lay some food ontop of it, it'll come out slowly.
mine opens around 6 or so and is ready for food. I dont target feed it though, usually I just throw in a peice of homemade cyclopses (sp)
and my fish eat it but it also kinda just flows throughout my tank, the sun coral seems to be happy with that...

it is really pretty when its open though!