Placement...Which end goes up?


Premium Member
My clam is on a rock, slightly tilted towards the front (25 degrees?) , and the siphon tube part is on the bottom ( the lowest part of the clam).
Does it matter if that vent is higher? or should the mouth side be higher? It seems most pics have it mouth side down.. but is there correct way?

Answer quick before he attaches! :)

the foot is on the incurrent vent side of the shell joint, so it always seemed more natural to me to put that end down whenever on an angle.
You know that brings up a good point.

I always thought my clam looked more natural lying on its side. I don't keep him that way, because I believe they get better light facing the top of the tank.

I think it comes from child hood memories of cartoon Oysters opening with a pear in the middle. The Oysters always looked like clams and they always seemed to be lying on thier side.... Where am I going with this anyway? I think I been staring at my tank to long ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦I need help
