places to buy ultra ultra clams?

Now that I finally removed a golden head sleeper goby that was dropping sand on everything, I am going to get my first clam.

I have been keeping SPS corals for 9 months and they are thriving so I am pretty sure the clam will do well too. Also, I have 2x250 watt 10,000K mh bulbs. I plan to place the clam(s) on the sand. The distance from the bulbs to the sand is 24 inches.

Any suggestions on who has a really nice selection of Crocea and Derasas?

By the way, I also just got the Giant Clams book from Daniel Knop.

Two places immediately come to mind, Harbor Aquatics and Jeff's Exotic Fish. In another thread (within this forum) I posted a couple of pictures of clams I recently purchased from Harbor. Also, I believe Jeff's recently got a shipment of Pohnpei Ultra T. crocea clams.

Great place to by clams

Great place to by clams

A great place to by clams at is Aquatic Reflections. The owners name is Robert, great guy. He has so many gret looking clams all over his holding tanks:eek1: , it just makes you want to buy them all. He's located out in Dublin and that shouldn't be a long drive from you place Berlin. I highly recomend you checking out his place. Especially if your a sps freek like me.:D