Plankton cultures for Tridacna maxima


In Memoriam
what besides Nannochloropsis would be good for raising
a 1.5"-2" maxima? i've e-mail a few places that raise them
but didn't get a response. any ideas?
Hi, I have a 2-3" Maxima. I feed my fish a variety of foods, one of wich is a product called Zooplankton. Well while feeding my fish this stuff, I saw a few pieces land on the clam. Before they actually even landed on it, it just sucked the tiny pieces in. It was almost like a tiny vaccuum turned on. Then the pieces just disapeared. Since then I directly feed this to my clam once in a while. HTH......................Jeff
Wow, I guess I had better keep the zooplankton away from my clam. Thanks, I had no idea it would be bad. Like I said it just sucked it up. Jeff
Isocrysis(brown, motile phyto <6 microns) is used to feed clam larvae. It's fine for small clams. It is more difficult to culture than Nannochloropsis( personal communication with Florida Aqua Farms). I presently feed both. Adam