Please help!


In Memoriam
I had a 55 gallon freshwater tank for about six months. Then I converted it to a reef. Maintained my reef tank (an absolute beauty!) for about a year and a half until Katrina struck and destroyed everything. I never had a problem in my reef. Before I jumped into the hobby, I did extensive research. Stayed up 'til the wee hours just reading and reading stuff online. Everything I did by the book, and one step at a time. Never had any problems except for an occasional algae bloom. Then came the 100g tank. I set it up in late last November. Cycled it with a blue damsel and then in the 2nd week of January added a clownfish. Everything seemed perfect, all readings were normal and lo and behold! the clownfish came down with Ich. No problem, I thought. Went to the LFS and picked up a bottle of Kordon's all organic Ich-Attack after much persuasion by the LFS owner who holds a degree in Marine Biology. Two days into the treatment and the clownfish died, completey covered with white spots. I continued to treat the water for yet another 14 days, however. Few days later, the very same thing happened to a Maroon Clownfish, and then a Punctato Butterfly fish. Both of these died in the hospital tank while being treated with Kordon's Rid-Ich+. In february, from the same LFS I brought home a Yallow Tang. A few days later, I added a Grey Poma Angel and two baby clownfish. Couple of days go by and boom: the tang, the angel, and the clownfish all immediately came down with a severe case of Ich. I put them in a Hospital tank, and treated them with Cupramine. Perhaps it was the test kit, perhaps it was my own error overdosing, but over night all four of them died except for the damsel which didn't seem to have any signs of ich but I was treating it nevertheless. So then I did an 80 % water change in my display tank. Did not add any fish in the display tank for a full three weeks until I saw this purple tang at the LFS that I could not resist. Brought him home, quarantined for 2 weeks and then I put him in my display tank this last Sunday and last night I noticed a little bitty white dot on his dorsal. This morning there were two or three and believe it or not exactly an hour later he was completely covered in white spots and now he is not doing well at all. This is my story. Sorry for the long post but I just don't understand what I am doing wrong. The damsel has lived through it all and has never showed any signs of contracting the disease. It's a 100 gallon tank. Fluval 404 and an Emperor 400 for filteration along with about 100 lbs of live rock. Substrate is a 3" bed of livesand. I am running a Berlin for skimming. The temperature is 77/78 degrees. Sg 1.025, pH 8.0 - 8.2. There's never any sudden fluctuations in any of those conditions. Ammonia is undetectable, nitrite and nitrate levels are non-existent. I checked for copper with 3 test kits and they all showed 0. I follow the best practices when it comes the fish's diet, the water quality etc. I've always bought my fish from that LFS and didn't have any problems. I spent almost 4 hours in there one day staring into each and every tank checking to see if there was any Ich in any of their tanks as I know that they use a central filteration system. I always do my research before adding or removing anything. All in all I take great care of my tank but this Ich has got me stumped. I have been a silent reader of these forums for almost 6 months now. What am I doing wrong? What's causing these fish to one after another get Ich and then die? Could anyone help?
The problem is your LFS. They gave you CRAPPY advice. Rid-Ich does not work in any way shape or form. Do not put any fish into that tank for about 8 weeks and you will be fine. You might want to learn more about the ICH life cycle, it will help you treat it better if you understand how they reproduce and live.

Just leave it fishless for 2 months.


Believe me, I have read all there is to read about the life cycle of Ich. Only thing left is to actually name the free swimming tomites in my tank that don't seem to want to go away :)
I would get a few cleaner shrimp, and leave them only, in there for a few weeks, do not feed them. A few neon gobys might be something to add as the first few fish after the shrimp have been in, alone for awhile. They eat cryptocarian (ick) and even get parasites off fish, and your hand! You might want to get a UV sterilizer, that will solve the issue for good. After these things that eat ick, and clean others of it, have been in a few weeks then add a (1) fish like a wrasse, not a tang. Tangs are prone to ick! Wrasse also eat small stuff, such as larger parasites they find on the rock. I normally say a sixline, though I recently learned they can give new fish a hard time. I have not had any trouble with them.
If you get a UV, even if you have an ick outbreak it will only last a 1-3 days then go away. I would try that. Good Luck!
I agree with thereefmaster the LFS did not help any. If you are doing a reef then my advice or reefmasters, or both, is the best bet. If you are not doing a reef,... then just treat the whole thing with copper, and run copper in the system for a few months.
UV sterilizer. Definitely.

Did you test your quarantine tank for copper? If you read 0 copper in the main tank, that should be correct, only thing is, why would you test for copper in the display tank? In order to properly treat ich you need to be adding copper and testing the quarantine tank...
Yeah the copper I tested was in the quarantine tank. Because the fish were dying in the quarantine tank during treatment. 3 kits showed 0. The q-tank and the display both show optimum water quality etc.

I hope the purple tang will survive the night. I'm buying a 18watt turbo twist UV sterilizer first thing in the morning.

Thanks for all your input guys.
The ich was getting bad because you didn't have enough copper in the quarantine tank.

I think cupramine is 1ml per 10.5g, for 48 hours then dose equally again, then keep the level constant for two weeks.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that in the display tank there has been one cleaner shrimp all along.
As for the question about the copepods, if you put the uv sterilizer in line after the sump and before the tank, chances are there aren't going to be any copepods making it to the sterilizer. Your pump/skimmer would churn those puppies up....
I removed the copper from both tanks after all the fish had died. What I should've clarified was that until I got this purple tang, copper levels had reverted to 0 in both the tanks. Currently there's no copper in the display tank and my purple tang is in the q-tank which I am treating with Cupramine now. Sorry about the confusion.