Please post pictures of any PAIRS of fish you have

Project Reef

**** R.C. Member
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Title says it all.

I love when I see fish in reef aquariums which are in pairs or groups. Although we confine them to a tiny box, I believe fish that peacefully coexist in pairs or groups together are a "happier".

So lemme see 'em.

Clowns, Wrasses, Gobies, Angels, Eels, whatever you got, I'd love to see pics of some of reef central's 'Pairs' 'Harems" or 'Groups'.
Here are a few pics of my pairs
I also have a mated pair of citron gobies but can't seem to get a pic of them together

Angels Genicanthus melanospilos (just added)


Banggai Cardinals


Maroon clowns
I tried getting some pics on here but got timed out twice. Anyway I will try again tomorrow. I had a beautiful pair of French Angels. I grew them to dinner plate size before donating them to the NJ state aquarium. I havent been there in a while, but was informed that they successfully spawned there. Also had a pair of Queen Angels that I waited for over a year to get. When the guy I dealt with finaly got them for me they were not in good shape. They werent bagged to well in shipping and were very under nurished. I took them with the understanding that they may not pull through. I figured I had a better shot of getting them well in my tank then the LFS I got them from. Well after getting them in the Q-tank I could see that they were consumed by flukes. I gave them FW dips, Formulin dips, treated with copper to no avail. These fish had flukes all over them and inside as well. Finaly a secondary bacterial infection killed them. That was a real blow to have another opritunity to have yet another pair of large angels and they just crashed. The bacterial infection went very fast, once I could see the cottony patches on the bodies they were doomed. They lasted 3 days from the first sighn of infection. I had them for a month total. Anyway, The guy I got them from did make good on the fish and he was surprised I was able to keep them as long as I did. I do consider myself very lucky to have been able to keep the French's as a pair in captivity. What a sight they were!
11 year old Clown Pair


1 year old Maroon Pair


Green Clown Gobies ... both are in this acro colony if you look hard enough


Yellow clown gobies just paired up


And no, they aren't fish, but they are a mated pair ...

Very nice pics of pairs! It's difficult enough to shoot one moving fish, let alone two! Unfortunately, my mated pair of Mandarinfish only got in close proximity at dusk, making it very difficult to get any pics of them together. Mustang, great Angelfish- they are beauties!
Clown pair

Clown pair

Here are my clowns in their BTAs with eggs on the shelf below.

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I have the same feeling as Project Reef. I try to keep breeding units if I can. Don't have any picture , but the following pair or trio I have in my tank:
Banggai Cardinals breeding pair
Trio Ocellaris clowns breeding
Royral Gramma (5 in the breeding group)
Mandarin Dragonette breeding pair
Yellow Cown gobies breeding pairYellow tail damsel breediing trio
Orchid Dottyback pair breeding soon
Marine Betta breeding pair
Pink Skunk Breeding pair
Cleaner shrimp breeding pair
Cherub Angel breeding pair
Cherub angel breeding with Atlantic Flameback angel
I think that are all of the larger animals that are breeding in my tank.
like minh, i much prefer my fish to be in pairs. i feel they settle in nicer, and adapt to captivity bettre when they are kept in pairs.

anyway, pics to follow when possible, but for now, only a listing.

i have the following fish in my 180g aquarium. note these are my only fish in the tank.

2 yellow clown gobies
2 green clown gobies
2 red head gobies
2 tiger striped gobies
6 masked gobies
2 red firefish

i do have plans to add more fish, but they will all be in pairs.


our pair of blue spotted jawfish
also in the same tank are a pair of
false percs, watchman wheeler gobies, antena gobies, citron clown gobies, and a small school of 4 pajama cardinals

andy & bonnie


Pair of Golden Sleepers, not established long (not even a week). These are simultaneous hermaphrodites? What, I guess, I'm asking is if it matters or not the sex of the fish when purchased, as one will be male, and one will be female?
These are simultaneous hermaphrodites?

not sure. never cared enough for this fish to research it :o

What, I guess, I'm asking is if it matters or not the sex of the fish when purchased, as one will be male, and one will be female?

if they are simultaneous herms, then no. simulataneous is not the same as bi-directional. bi-directional can go either way, e.g. from male back to female. IOW, if you get 2 males, you are SOL.

