Plumbing question


New member
I have a plumbing question. I just bought a new 120 gallon tank drilled. I think I want to use a SCWD for water movement. What part would I need to go from 3/4" PVC to 3/4" Vinyl tubing? How do these people create the ripple effect on the surface of the water? Where do you get threaded PVC to fit into the bulkheads? What are these unions/ball valves and do I need one?
You need is a 3/4" slip hose barb fitting on the end of your PVC pipe and a hose clamp. Marine Depot has them, but you can prob. find a better deal at a hardware store.

The shimmer or ripple effect is created by having a powerhead or water return adgitating the surface of the water. It usually works better with MH lights.
It really depends. Are you using the pump as a return from the sump, or are you just connecting it to the SCWD? If you are using it as a return from the sump you should try and match the flow rate of your overflow. Plan what you are going to use for plumbing parts and use the flow calculator to see which pump will work best.

Sorry I missed part of your question. You can find almost everything you need to plumb your tank at a hardware store like lowes, Ace, Menards etc. The union ball valve is important as a means of isolating your pump. If there is a problem with it you can close the valve and remove the pump without having to lower the level of your tank. (PS you should also use a coupling so if your pump does go bad you wont have to cut any PVC to change it out)
I was going to use the pump as both. Pump the water from the water back into the overflow where I would connect the SCWD.