Possible clam predators?


New member
Today I came home to find my 1-1/2" maxima that I have only had for a week completely gutted. So far my 2" squamosa seems untouched!!! The list of possible critters in my tank include blue-leg hermits, scarlet hermits, turbo snails, a peppermint shrimp ( although I suspect this maybe a camel back), queen conch, 2 emerald crabs, and an ornamental brittle star ( legs about 8" each). I hadn't noticed anything bothering the clams except for a couple of hermits that seemed to be merely cleaning the shells. What should I be looking to move to "sumpland" ?
Well, your clam *probably* died on it's own, and then got cleaned up by your crew, but I wouldn't put any crabs in my clam tank nor a peppermint/camel shrimp. Most crabs will leave clams alone, but there are just WAY too many evil little ones out there. I do have a cleaner shrimp in my tank, but I hear they are much, MUCH less likely to prey on a clam then a peppermint.

Were you feeding your clam? (And where did you get him?) What kind of lights do you have? Tank specs and params?

edit: I just checked out your specs on your site. Looks nice. Do you know if wherever you got him bowl fed him? Perhaps he starved. The need LOTS of tasty live phyto!
The LFS where I got it had only had it for a couple of days ... but I'm sure it wasn't bowl fed. I had placed both clams in a spectman container hanging inside tank and fed 1 tsp of phyto and left in for about 30 minutes. The tank gets a 1/4 cup of phyto every other day (I will be increasing to 1/4 cup per day starting Sunday) Ammo,trite, and trate are all 0. Salinity 1.026, Calc 450, Ph 8.2, and Alk 9.5. I waited patiently for the tak to mature before buying clams and now I am rather disappointed .... I guess I'll wait and see how the squamosa fares before investing in another clam!
Ouch, that's a toughy. If I had to guess now, I'd think maybe you just had an unhealthy clam that had been stressed from shipping :(
I've heard they are not 100% safe with clams. Some lucky people have nice peppermints that never touch a clam, but there have been too many peppermint attacks that many people don't allow them in clam tanks, myself included. My cleaner freaks me out enough! They are much, much less likely to get clam-hungry than peppermints, but aren't still 100% safe.
What other fish are in the tank? I just got rid of a GS Maroon Clown that I think killed my Crocea and I know he was eating my Maxima(I saw him do it) I didn't see him eat the Crocea but I went out of town for 9 days and came back to a dead clam. The day after I put the Maxima in the clown went right to it. The clown never did touch the Squamosa though. I guess he just liked Purple clams. My point is watch all your fish and at different times of the day. The clown only bit the clam in the late afternoon. Go figure, just befor feeding time.
Do all shrimp have possible problems with clams or just peppermint?

I have a pair of peppermint that have been in my tank for 2 weeks and a crocea that has been in there for about one week.
I wouldn't have a problem putting my peppermints in the fuge (except for catching them that is).
But I do like shrimp in my main tank.
Any suggestions for a "Clam Safe Shrimp"?