Possible tang fighting problems?


New member
Hi, I have a 500 gallon reef tank and all fishes have been compatable till possibly now. For tangs I have a yellow and sailfin tang and up till now no problems. Today I bought a brown tang. The dude at the store said they should all get along but as soon as I put him in the Yellow tang has been following him non stop. It doesnt quite appear he is trying to hurt him but a few times I caught him whacking him with his tail. I realize there is a blade but I dont know if he's just trying to scare him and show whose boss or is he trying to kill him? I'd hate to find him dead in the next few days. Your opinions?

Yellow tangs can be on the aggressive side but since the tank is large it will probably stop after a couple of days. If you can keep the lights off for a while as this will give the brown tang time to settle in or try feed the fish.

I wouldn't worry about it to much.
Try to get a fish trap and catch the yellow tang, isolate it for few weeks. Most people here are don't agree to keep same genus of tang in a tank, unless you add those fish at the same time.
the yellow tang should stop after a couple of days... he's just trying to show him who's boss.

whenever i introduce a fish where i feel it might get picked on, i always do maintainance on the tank as well. the fish all go back to their hiding spots and that way the new fish can find his own spot until he settles in. hth

I bought a powder brown tang today and now my yellow tang is going after him.

Were you successful in getting your yellow to stop fighting?

I have a 180g

its better but he still goes after him if the brown tang gets in his way. the first 2-3 days it was constant. seems like its very slowly getting better.
Hi Speenach, hi Nathan!
Has it stopped yet?
I got a copperband, 'cause of my aptasia. My yellow tang has injured my copperband and has been chasing him non stop since yesterday. If it doesn't get any better, I'll have to take my copperband back. Damn!
they stopped after 3-5 days. i just bought a powder blue and they all chased him for days. now it appears to be over. good luck!
Thanks for the answer! It did get a bit better this afternoon! I hope the little guy starts eating soon Hold your thumbs for me!
PS: Got any pix of you 500 gallon floating around in the internet? Want to show it to my girlfriend!.
You may have a potential problem on your hands with the powder blue eventually becoming aggro. But then again, you do have 500 gallons and that is a factor. We'd love to see some pics!
Always that you want to add another tang, you have to add at night....

Here....I added a Nigricans at nigth....and my Big Sohal donÃ"šÃ‚´t care about him next day....

And tomorroy I will add a Powder Blue at nigth....


I got LUCKY! My yellow tang stopped bullying my brown tang after 1 or 2 days. They are "friends" now.

Thanks for asking for the pics! unfortunately my tank is extremely dirty so I couldnt take any good pics just yet. I uploaded one but it's too small. I'll get some on here soon, it looks pretty nice! my powder blue died sometime last night. i think it's because he got picked on too much, i dont know. DARN!!!!!!!! $100 down the drain!