Power heads


New member
Currently have a 95 gallon wave front in the process of getting set up.

Then next step is to get some current flowing through the tank. Any reccomandations on what power heads to use, how many, what brand, the power, etc.

Right Now I only have the return pipe from the megaflow kit. The pump that its running off of is rated at 950 gph. With some head loss you we are looking at prom 750 gph in the tank.

thanks for any input guys.
I have used Tunze Streams in the past for flow and would do it again, if I had some extra $$. I have also gone the closed loop route, but it wasn't what I thought and I would probably stick with the Tunzes or similar. This time around I am going to try the MJ1200's (the modded version) on a Red Sea Wavemaker. Yeah, let the MegaFlow do it's job of returning water to the tank from the sump. And let the powerheads or whateveer control the flow inside the tank.
IMO, Maxi-Jets are an inexpensive, reliable, versitile pwr head. But depending the flow your trying to acheive, it could take several to get the job done.

Seios are low wattage, wide stream pwr head. But they're bulky and not recommended on wavemakers.

Turbelle Tunze is hands down best of the best ...if money is no object.

EcoTech VorTech makes a Tunze like unit. It's high flow, mag mounts through the tank glass, but again ...if money is no object ...and availability.

I'm in the process of setting up a 90g. My goal is to eliminate the clutter of pwr heads, create suitable, random flow; but not break the bank in the process. Im looking at a dedicated pump on an Oceans Motion 4way Super Squirt.
Chip: How do you plan to eliminate clutter with an OM Squirt?? Unless you are talking about visible clutter in the tank. And yes, the Vor tech look very cool. But at that price, i'd go with the true, tried and tested Streams. I am also setting up a 90g system. I won't need high flow for quite bit yet as I don't plan to get into the SPS for a bit.