Price Increase


RC Sponsor
RC Sponsor
Unfortunately prices on Tunze products will be going up 10% across the board. This is an unavoidable situation and the price increase is coming from Tunze Aquarientechnik GmbH. Unfortuantely the Euro is stronger than the dollar. Today the Euro is trading at 1.1708 to the dollar on international markets- this means Tunze Aquarientechnik GmbH is already absorbing a 7% loss. Further, 2 years ago the price in Europe was raised 5% and the US has seen no price increase from the manufacturer in 6 years. In the US we enjoy some of the best pricing on Tunze in the world market and this will continue. I cannot absorb the price increase on this end. We are already faced with much more strictly imposed Customs regulations. Basically items that would formerly be entered as General Aquarium Goods at a 1% tariff now are itemised as pumps, electronics, glass, and magnets at tariffs from 3-5%. We are absorbing these costs as well as increasing fuel surcharges.

I would like to add that all backorders prior to today will be honored at the present rate. All in stock items through July 1st will also be honored at the present rate. These price increases will likely be slowly phased in by vendors as the current stock is sold and new stock comes in.

I am sorry for the inconvenience but these are circumstances beyond our control and all parties have tried to negotiate the lowest price increase we could possibly offer and we appreciaate your understanding on this matter.
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Re: Price Increase

rvitko said:
All in stock items through June 1st will also be honored at the present rate.
Hey Roger,
Is that thru June 1st or July 1st?
When your frags get grown in a bit a 6000 would be a good pump. Otherwise you could probably find some used 7300 or 7400 pumps around and they would do a good job for you too. Thanks again for the help Sean.
Roger, if I'm on the waiting list for a 6010 with Marine Depot, does that mean I can still buy it at the old price?

TIA - Jim
Poor timing IMO with a product (stream) that works well as a kind of powerhead on steroids. Tunze never really made it big time in the U.S. and perhaps that's for a reason. :D
six years without a price increase thats pretty rare! and such a quality product seems to me this is a company working hard with such inovative products.

just my 2 cents
Once you see the quality of the product they put out and it's performance you don't care how much it costs. It's just something you have to have. Assembled by hand,leading edge equipment that nothing else compares to. Not to mention a TWO YEAR warantee on everything. Add great customer service and a dedication to the hobby. Best equipment I have ever placed in my aquariums. My corals thank me everyday.

Reef-lite- If you are on a waiting list we are honoring the old price. All orders that were on my desk before last Friday get the old pricing and I was able to get Tunze to honor this regardless of how long it took the pumps to come in.

Bowfront- The price increase is exclusively the result of exchange rate. Keep in mind that when that price list was printed 42c bought a Deutchemark. The Euro was put on parity to 2 marks making it 84c. It is now a $1.17. For reference Eheim has raised their price 15% last year and a further 15% this year. This US price is still the lowest when you consider currency exchange and on some of the electronics and meters the need for $15 worth of plug adapters. I cannot ask tunze to operate at a loss for our market and I think it is quite fair, they have absorbed more than half the increase over the past couple years.

Thank you for the information, you certainly seem like a stand up guy when it comes to being honest with the consumer. Many companies raise prices and/or include outrageous packaging/freight fees without saying a word. I applaud you and Tunze for being upfront and with the quality of products you offer I would certainly purchase again. As they say, you get what you pay for.
Let me tell you he is an upstanding guy. I live just out of Austin and have bought every one of my Tunze products directly from Roger and have always been satisfied. He is so dedicated to the Tunze Product line that he has a photo of him and the owner of the company sitting on a counter in his store where he met him. He will fix you up and if he can't he will do his darndest to make it right.


sorry in all honesty I can;t believe anyon pays that price for a fancy powerhead! I have MAXI1200's my tank does awsome! clams and corals grow nice and full. Why would I want to waste in the hundreds of dollars for this Tunze products. Sorry, but I think its a ripoff bigtime and there not even that well built. IMO. MAXI's, REEFRATS, or SEASWIRLS are a lot better for the price. I'll save my coin for livestock.
Might help to read the date a thread was posted- this happened last June. It is interesting that the majority of Tunze owners don't feel they were ripped off. We make a unique niche product. If you don't like it don't buy it.
Just stating my oppion. I heard that it is a very good product but to me like most stuff in this hobby the markup is truly insane.I don't see how my corals or tank can be any better for a few extra thousand! but your right, its a niche for the rich.
Is that true? Is it that expensive seeing as they will last a decade or more if well cared for? If the mark up is so high I would like to know where all the money is going, Mr Tunze surely isn't seeing it. Neither am I, that's why I work two jobs. If you are truly into anything you will spend the money on good equipment whether that is boating, astronomy, instruments, tools, guns. I just think it is a matter of where people decide to spend their money. The pumps you are seeing that are so expensive are completely in a league of their own. The cost of production on a low volume in a first world country is very high. Do you know of any other computerized powerheads with electronic flow adjustment and the capability to pulse that run on safety low voltage? Do you know that the Rio Seio which is another broad flow pump from Taiwan will be $70 for a model that does 4000l/h, when a Stream that does 7000l/h is $120. If that was a car or anything else and you had to spend $50 more to have something made in Germany vs something made in Taiwan wouldn't the answer seem obvious?
Got 2 of your 3155 Osmoalters with the 5074 for Kalkwasser. Yes they run on low voltage and are less money then going with doseing pumps. And they are a foolproof as you can get for overflow protection. Thanks for the catalog with the replacement part, Roger. John S. Tucson
have the TUNZE streams being out a decade? I understand you back your product and maybe there great but my point[and to me its valid] I think that there very exspensive and for what benefit to the tank and its inhabitants? what about all those reefers running $30 MAXIS on a wavepro. or an external pump[some of which can run in the 30 year mark] thru SEASWIRLS and such. Your right, I don't have to buy[and won't unless the price was reasonable]and I'm not knocking the product but the cost I m knocking and I realize you have no control over this. This is why my feeling is that some companys make a good product, start selling it at inflated costs,and then somewere in another country they make a knock off[and sometimes there close to the real thing] and it runs the original company to the ground.were starting to see this happen with METALHALIDE lights! The field was so insanly exspensive to run MH lamps and now its become more realistic with prises falling because lamps are being made overseas and shipped to NORTHAMERICA and to tell you the truth alot of these products are built alright.
Well, to each his own, I will continue to buy name brand lamps. The Stream is built from the same motors that we make our other pumps from and last week I rebuilt two powerheads from 1991 and 1992 respectively, so yes they will last that long. It would also take 6 maxijets to equal that flow and if you add the wavemaker you spent well over $120. I am not knocking Seaswirls or Maxijets- both are great products.