Propogating mushrooms/rics: dose more iodine?


New member
I'm going to set up a small tank to propogate some of my favorite shrooms (and maybe a few rics), and I was wondering if I should dose anymore iodine than is recommended. Do you guys dose extra iodine to promote growth? I know there's no easy way to test the amount of iodine in the system, so I don't want to boil the shrooms in iodine.
Im pretty sure the iodine is out of the system in 48 hours. I would dose more for propping, but that is just me.:D
Don't dose anything unless you're carefully monitoring your levels. You're asking for a world of trouble eventually if you do.
The problem with iodine is that there's no easy way to test it. I'll just let them go for a bit with nothing but light and some phyto, see how that goes.

Oh, and could someone clue this newb in why iodine is good for propagating? I think I missed class that day!
I would appreciate the info too, purchasing a rock of ricordia's for the sole purpose of propogating.
It is an antiseptic and can be applied to the cut if it starts to turn south. This is a rarity for me, as long as the blade is sterile you should have no problems. I clean my blades in rubbing alcohol but you could use tincture I guess.
As for as iodine/iodide in your water column I keep mine at .08 to .09mg/l
I think NSW is .06mg/l. I would not dose what you cant test for and Iodine kits are tough and expire rather quickly IMHO. I have used Salifert and Seachem and like them both. good luck
Is there a reason having a higher concentration of it would do anything different to the healing shroom or side effects of having it higher than NSW?
I also keep my salinity at 1.026-27 which is not NSW level. I have an absurd amount of polyps and over the years I find the greatest growth and expansion to be at these levels. The higher level even though miniscule should not help with healing-good luck
Cool thank you for the insight. I might have to experiment in the future with my parameters ..

I have good growth on my SPS and even LPS but shrooms to me are more of a wait and see thing, but if they don't start making babies eventually i might get impatient! ;p
You know its funny now that I think about SG and saltwater it really depends on where you go. Along coastal areas where there is a lot of evaporation and relatively still water - from what i've personally tested it can be around 1.029 or so.. which is fine for the critters built to live in water like that..

I wonder what it is over reefs and if a shallow reef or perhaps one that would encompass a tidepool would have different corals living by it versus one that is underwater with a pretty constant SG level