pros and cons of having plants in your tank?


New member
Hi, Im just wondering why some people put plants in their sump instead of in the main tank. Until i see this "Marine Plants" forum, i start to see alot of you actually have plants in your tank.. The reason i ask cuz I used to put them in my sump with NO and they dont grow at all so i took them up to the main tank and BOOM they went... they grow really fast under then MH .. So is it good to keep them in the main tank since they do so well? I have needle macroalgae ( i think thats what you call it) by the way.
I think it is asthetics mainly. I like the looks of some calcarious? algae in the main tank. But I do not like to see manu of the others.
Plants and macro's are generally fine in the main tank. Providing of course you aren't keeping fish that eat them ;)
Some species breakoff, populate the entire tank and behave like weeds.
I have prolifera and wish I didn't start it in main tank. I had a Red leafy one that fanned out from a single stalk and was perfect. Don't put in calp that have runners that break off.
There are many suitable species that do not behave like weeds.
A number of reds are very nice and a few greens/browns.
Some look like coral.

Some folks want the main tank to be a coral "reef" tank only.

I always thought a nice bed of foreground green along the front would be nice with the color behind this.

Tom Barr