Pulsating Xenia Frags


Premium Member
Well, it's been just a little over a month now and I have the first Pulsating Xenia Frag. The thing is growing like crazy and has branches coming off of it everywhere. I swear it grows every day! One branch had separated and grown near the edge of the rock so I took it off. It looks like there are going to be a lot more in the future also!

I only have one frag right now, but the way this thing is growing I think everybody will have some in the next few months! I have little spots of it growing all around the base rock.

Let me know when your tanks is in good condition!
And then there were five!

So my wife is sick (cold or flu) so I stayed around the house today and decided to do a little more fraggen! After intense inspection of the Pulsating Xenia I removed all of the branches located around it's base. There are still a lot more growing all over it, but I could remove all of these with a little piece of live rock to make the transplant easier. I still can't believe how much this thing has grown or how green the rocks are coming out of my frag tank!

Hey Mike, Iwase over at ACO said you got your Calcium levels checked and you were actually a bit low..... How much mix are you dripping a day...? or drips per sec, min whatever....
Accually, i think that he meant iwase was a bit low on his calcium. We tested it here at my place. I think Mikes calcium is on overload.....lol

typically, a drip per second is about right. HOWEVER, ive been dripping for about the past 8 months or so and never completly dripped a full container completly at the rate of a drip per second. it always gets clogged up and ticks me off. :lol:
Hey Frank, did you ever get any good pics...? I think I'm on the verge on splurging on a new Micro Lens, found a "cheap" used one. Just Wait !!!!
Yea, ACO's calcium levels are low.

I drip my tank like Frank described and then use the left over sludge in the bottom of the bottle for a few more drips. My calcium levels don't get much over 400 and I drip a lot!

You can have a frag of that stuff when your ready Frank. There pretty small right now, but good to go!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9396763#post9396763 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by teto_78
Hey Frank, did you ever get any good pics...? I think I'm on the verge on splurging on a new Micro Lens, found a "cheap" used one. Just Wait !!!!

nahh...I havent had the chance yet. Ive been busy. Havent really done much photography lately. Kinda miss it.

Wife and I went by your restraunt tonight, I thought you were closed Sundays and Mondays! ahh! We will stop in sometime!