Pyramid snail eating fish?


In Memoriam
Well I am setting up a new clam only tank and tring to find a wrasse that will eat pyramid snails other than a six line wrasse.
I would prefer something more rare and good color but color I can live with out if it is coo.
This will be the only fish in the tank this the reason for a more rare distrinktive wrasse.
The tank is 24x24x16 with a single 150 HQI.

Fish so far are

six ilne wrasse
yellow coris wrasee

any others?
If you can find this one, it decimated the pyramids in my personal tank. Great fish, but from what I can find a poor shipper.


It is called a Pearl Wrasse, or (Anampses Neoguinaicus)

I got it from a local club member tearing down his tank. Great fish.

If you find any for sale, let me know where.

I have never actually had any pyramid snails before and the rock that will go in the tank I have had for a while and have never seen any there either it is just a in case measure to get one but I think I will go with a mystery wrasse.