Premium Member
Last night, I just felt like going out to my tank with a flashlight and checking what kind of things were crawling around. What I found was that my squamosa and gold maxima resting on the substrate were literally covered with pyramid snails feeding near the mantles! This morning before the lights came on, I removed both clams and cleaned them thorougly with a toothbrush, removing all visible snails. I have had a six-line wrass in the tank for a year. He is extremely fat and healthy but obviously prefers pods compared to the snails.
I will keep an eye on the clams and surely will need to repeat the cleaning procedure. The clams high in the rockwork were not infected.
I have heard mixed reviews about adding a juvenile red coris wrasse. Does anyone have any opinions or experience on this subject. My concern is the health of my clam population.
I will keep an eye on the clams and surely will need to repeat the cleaning procedure. The clams high in the rockwork were not infected.
I have heard mixed reviews about adding a juvenile red coris wrasse. Does anyone have any opinions or experience on this subject. My concern is the health of my clam population.