Pyramided snail help!


New member
My maxima is full of pyramided snails and it is looks really bad. The snails are inside already. It doesn't open up fully. It is still alive becaues it opens up alitte when the light comes on. It doesn't come out of its shell but the mantles extends alittle in the shell. What can I do to save my clam if I could?
My 6 line takes care of all of my "Clam Pests" It was recommended to keep a 6-line wrasse with all clam tanks to alleviate these pests. Also inspect new clams closely for these pests.
FWIW, the sixline will not solve all your problems with this pests.You will have to manually remove them and be very dilligent with removing any empty snail shells as they will hide there as well. You have to understand that this lymphatic fluid suckers feed at night when your six-line is asleep and it is up to you to be dilligent and remove the clam from tank at night and giving it a thorough cleaning. Do not be afraid of removing your clams from the water,clams can survive to be airborne for hours at the time. Once you've taken your clam to the sink,look closely around the byssal opening and the edge of the top edge of the shell. This snails are equivalent of the vampire and will suck the life force out of your clams.If you'll depend on your wrasse only to do a job for you, you'll wake up to an empty shell in no time, FWIW.
I have to clean my Tridacna gigas almost daily to ensure their survival,the wrasse is still smiling btw.
I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t really know what I was stating when I said

ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œMy 6 line takes care of all of my "Clam Pests" ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œ

It certainly does not, I was under the impression that it was for a while. But I have found that it realy does nothing about those pesky snails. Or brissleworms for that matter.

I have been looking into getting a harlequin tusk fish.
KingT420 said:
I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t really know what I was stating when I said

ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œMy 6 line takes care of all of my "Clam Pests" ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œ

It certainly does not, I was under the impression that it was for a while. But I have found that it realy does nothing about those pesky snails. Or brissleworms for that matter.

I have been looking into getting a harlequin tusk fish.

I think the best way to eliminate them is to remove all possibile hosts,clean them and place them in the quarantine tank if possible. The pyramids should starve after a while,also,remove any empty snail shells as they will lay eggs there as well. I had good luck with the Coris wrasse Coris aygula, aka twinspot but they have to be removed when start showing adult coloration or rick having your clams become a meal for the wrasse.
I have to clean my Tridacna gigas almost daily to ensure their survival
Huh? Cleaning your clams daily? I've never cleaned any of my clams. Can you please explaine what exactly you mean here?
Tank said:
Huh? Cleaning your clams daily? I've never cleaned any of my clams. Can you please explaine what exactly you mean here?


I meant removing those pests from my clams. Sorry for not being more clear in my post.
Sorry for the newbie question but doesnt the clam get a fotthold when they are in the tank? Hoe do you take them out when they are stuck to a rock or something without hurting the clam? Just wondering.
Hoe do you take them out when they are stuck to a rock or something without hurting the clam?

Many people place their clams on shells or small pieces of rock. Then, after the clam has attached you can move it wherever you want without hurting it.