Quarantine tank


New member
I'm getting my head around a qt for when I move house at some point. I have a tank, 24 gallon kent marine bio reef that was my old tank. Will have a heater and pump in the rear sump bit. Will use few bits of upvc for hiding places. Once setup can I just leave it go or should I start fresh with every new fish? So every new fish would need new 24 gallons of water etc? Do I add a bottle of Dr. Tim's nitryfying bacteria every time? Once the fish are in the tank do I just leave them for 2/3 weeks or do I add treatments in just in case? Like add seachem cuorimine or something like that? Once fish is OK and ready to go into dt is it the same as acclimatise from scratch? Sorry lots of questions.

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For me it really depends on the quality and health of the fish you are getting. Personally I run a minimum 2 week quarantine process during which I raise salinity from 1.020 or less to my DT's salinity of 1.025. I don't medicate unless I see something wrong in that time. If I didn't medicate I would simply replace ~1/4 of the QT water with RODI to reduce salinity back down to 1.020 for the next batch.

Where I had to medicate I completely replaced the QT water after I was done.

I am in Sydney Australia and our supply chain for livestock is pretty good. It sounds like the USA supply chain is much more problematic, and I know many hobbiests over there will religiously follow a much longer QT process with prophylactic medication.

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I have two 20g QTs that I sterilize and let air dry after every "session' so I have to re-cycle them and basically start anew each time. I also treat prophylactically and keep fish in QT for 8 weeks. If disease does show up, the clock starts over again.
I quarantine my fish for 30 days, corals/inverts I just do a long acclimation (4-6 hours), with the last 30 minutes in tank water removed from the DT. Then remove them from that water, if you can, and put directly in DT. I have left my quarantine tank set-up before, but it ended up being a "cast off" tank that was converted to a 30gallon SPS tank, LOL! So now I have my quarantine tank ready to go, all equipment and decorations in it, dry. I try to set it up a few days before a purchase, but every once in awhile you make a quick buy, just go home and do a water change on the DT and put that water in the quarantine, along with some fresh made-up saltwater. I keep 6-8 chunks of live rock in my DT sump, take some of those out and put in QT and you'll have a quick biological filter. You are going to change 10-20% of the QT water daily at first anyways, or that's what I do. I don't medicate my fish unless its necessary, the 30 days is to observe the fish, let it settle to your water parameters, and make sure its eating well with the foods you give it. After 30 days I just put it in my DT, the water parameters between that and the QT are the same by then. IF you run into trouble, either with disease or not eating, you can take care of that during the 30 days in the QT.