Quarantining Tank for Tang


New member
Hey, I just got a 3in white tail bristletooth tang. He's in a 10g quarantine tank. Is the tank too small to keep him in for 30 days? He's only been in there a day but hasn't eaten any seaweed pellets yet, and swims back and forth in the lil tank. Do I need to get him in a 20g?
20g would be better, add large pvc couplings or some LR so he feels better.
Larger QT is always better except for having to add more reagents to treat/prevent infection and frequent WCs.
Sometimes its best to have 2-3 different size tanks for this, especially for tank transfer method.
Try a small portion of frozen spirulina enriched brine shrimp, if he doesn't eat it something is wrong. Siphon out all remaining food after 10 minutes.
Always put eggcrate over your QT tanks, fish are most likey to jump during this time.
Yeah, I thought he'd be okay since he only about 3in long, but he doesn't look too happy in there right now. I'd feel kinda bad keeping him in there a full 30 days. Well, I guess I'll have to definitely consider a bigger tank and find room for it
I recently QTd a White Tail Bristletooth in just a 10 gal, and he was always pacing, would never eat, etc.

He's doing much better now in a 29 gal. :) A 20 long would give you the same footprint, just shorter.
I recently QTd a White Tail Bristletooth in just a 10 gal, and he was always pacing, would never eat, etc.

He's doing much better now in a 29 gal. :) A 20 long would give you the same footprint, just shorter.

How long did you keep him in QT? I'm really space limited which is why I got the 10 in the first place. none of the other fish seemed to care (chrimis, clowns, hawkfish, even a 4in Flasher reasse) but the Tang does seem to be a little cramped. Ink see what I can do. Obviously he's the most expensive fish I've gotten as well so def don't wanna lose him
How long did you keep him in QT? I'm really space limited which is why I got the 10 in the first place. none of the other fish seemed to care (chrimis, clowns, hawkfish, even a 4in Flasher reasse) but the Tang does seem to be a little cramped. Ink see what I can do. Obviously he's the most expensive fish I've gotten as well so def don't wanna lose him

10 days in Chloroquine (he had velvet) and then transferred into the 29 for observation.
Ok. Got him in a 20 long now. He certainly seems to appreciate the 30" of length. He's not going super "psycho" anymore, but still does"pace" a lot. I got some 3" PVC sanitary couplings for him to hang out in. He has very lightly picked at some nori sheets I have rubber banded to a small piece of live rock, but he doesn't seem to take in interest in any pellets or frozen food.
1) when should I become worried he's not eating enough?
2) can I begin treating prophylacticlly with chloroquine (40mg/gal) now, or should I wait until he's eating before any meds?
If he doesn't eat within a week, start to worry.

I would dose CP now. 40mg/gal shouldn't suppress his appetite.

Hey thanks, I'm just noticing this is THE HumbleFish LOL I'm not on the other forum but I've spent hours going thru and researching. I plan to start the CP today when I get home. I got him eating some Emerald Entree https://www.sfbb.com/Emerald-Entr%C3%A9e%E2%84%A2_21.php
and the Nori sheet looks like his been nibbling on it. Still seems pretty shy and spends most of his time in the PVC or pacing, but he doesn't seem to be spazzing out anymore like in the 10gal This will be a test of patience to see if I can keep in out of the DT, he's sooo pretty LOL. Just to confirm, treating with 2 doses API General Cure 5 days a part is ok with the Chloroquine Phosphate, correct?
Use what you have imo.. i saved a yellow tang in a 5g tank who had ich so bad i thought for sure he was going to die. He was in it fir like 2 weeks. Before i moved him to my 135g and started dokng hypo in that tank
Just to confirm, treating with 2 doses API General Cure 5 days a part is ok with the Chloroquine Phosphate, correct?

Yes, but use this treatment calendar to determine when is best to add the second dose: http://www.marineparasites.com/paratreatmentcal.html

It will typically say within 5-7 days, but takes your water temp & SG into consideration because those factors affect the life cycle.

When feeding nori with Chloroquine in the water, I always soak the nori in some RODI for 20-30 seconds so it absorbs some of that instead of the Chloroquine (which tastes bitter).
Not Eating

Not Eating

Yes, but use this treatment calendar to determine when is best to add the second dose: http://www.marineparasites.com/paratreatmentcal.html

It will typically say within 5-7 days, but takes your water temp & SG into consideration because those factors affect the life cycle.

When feeding nori with Chloroquine in the water, I always soak the nori in some RODI for 20-30 seconds so it absorbs some of that instead of the Chloroquine (which tastes bitter).

OK... NOW I'm starting to get worried. Haven't seen him eat since I dosed CP. Shows no interest in the Emerald Entree, or the seaweed sheets anymore. I work in a lab and have access to an analytical grade scale so I know I didn't overdose. He doesn't "seem" sick or anything just paces the tank and goes in and out of the PVC couplings. He's not going psycho or spazzing out, and looks to swim regularly. I see no signs of any disease or infection (which may not mean much as I'm by far no expert) Any suggestions?

Here's my setup
OK... NOW I'm starting to get worried. Haven't seen him eat since I dosed CP. Shows no interest in the Emerald Entree, or the seaweed sheets anymore. I work in a lab and have access to an analytical grade scale so I know I didn't overdose. He doesn't "seem" sick or anything just paces the tank and goes in and out of the PVC couplings. He's not going psycho or spazzing out, and looks to swim regularly. I see no signs of any disease or infection (which may not mean much as I'm by far no expert) Any suggestions?

Here's my setup

Has he eaten at all since you got him? The one I'm currently treating was a "rescue" (velvet + bacterial infection), and he didn't eat for the first 10 days. Today marks Day 17 and he's just now starting to eat really well.
My yellow tang didnt eat for 3 weeks when he was infested with ich... he got skinny.. then after the ich came off during treatment he started eating.. and now he wont stop eating i can feed him every 5 minutes
Nice looking QT. You could try raw shrimp or scallops, chopped fine with a blade. As long as you siphon out uneaten food, you're ok. He'll start eating soon enough.
Has he eaten at all since you got him? The one I'm currently treating was a "rescue" (velvet + bacterial infection), and he didn't eat for the first 10 days. Today marks Day 17 and he's just now starting to eat really well.

Yes. I saw him eat ONCE since I got him. Got him Fri morning, Sat night it looked like he had grazed on some Nori I put in, and Sun midday I actually observed him eat some of the Emerald Entree. I dosed CP 49mg/gal (800mg total for 20gal tank) on Sun evening after I saw him eat. He seems uninterested in food now. Again, this is a prophylactic treatment and he appears to my untrained eye to be "fine". No rapid breathing. No lethargy. I don't see any white spots or cloudy eyes. He is just a little skittish and wants to be in a bigger tank.
My yellow tang didnt eat for 3 weeks when he was infested with ich... he got skinny.. then after the ich came off during treatment he started eating.. and now he wont stop eating i can feed him every 5 minutes

Maybe he has "something"? IDK.... I'm not experienced enough to diagnose anything but the most obvious signs. These Diver's Den species are supposed to be clean, eating and ready to go! 😠
Nice looking QT. You could try raw shrimp or scallops, chopped fine with a blade. As long as you siphon out uneaten food, you're ok. He'll start eating soon enough.

I may try that. Just regular raw shrimp from the grocery? I've done frozen mysis and brine which didn't interest him.
I had never purchased a DD species, but I did get a pair of Flame Hawkfish and a Whitetail Bristletooth from them about 2 months ago.

The tang had velvet, but ate like a pig the entire time. He went through a cupramine treatment and is doing very well in the DT now.

The hawkfish both had flukes which I was able to take care of but unfortunately one developed a secondary infection it was unable to overcome.
Yes. I saw him eat ONCE since I got him. Got him Fri morning, Sat night it looked like he had grazed on some Nori I put in, and Sun midday I actually observed him eat some of the Emerald Entree. I dosed CP 49mg/gal (800mg total for 20gal tank) on Sun evening after I saw him eat. He seems uninterested in food now. Again, this is a prophylactic treatment and he appears to my untrained eye to be "fine". No rapid breathing. No lethargy. I don't see any white spots or cloudy eyes. He is just a little skittish and wants to be in a bigger tank.

I'd give it a few more days before you really start to worry. If he's not eating by this weekend, do water changes + run carbon to pull the CP out.