sahin, I wouldn't say that T5 is "better" than MH. It's just that it's enough for a lot of applications and certainly is less heat. But as a replacement for a good DE MH setup, of course not. And yes, clams in general can tolerate and benefit from lots and lots of light.
What I've noticed of the sps frags in my tank to date is that they seem to really like the T5s. To date everything is keeping color and growing--acros and montis and some things I'm not sure what they are except that they are sps. Things that I have melted include a candy cane, frogspawn, an open brain, lots of zoos, and shrooms (surprise, surprise). Xenia I've got running wild. Leathers on the other hand don't seem to respond all that well in my tank. they don't die, but growth is poor. The clams are definitely growing. They always have a .25" rim of new growth and I've got new scutes plating out constantly. So they seem to be ok, but would they like 250w DE, I'm sure they would.