Question about pumps


New member
I'm moving into a house in the near future and I'm curious what kind of pump is needed to move water from a large scale refugium I intend to setup 20 feet vertically? I would like to setup a refugium in the basement then run lines to and from my tank that would be on the main floor. Anyone? PVC size that would be used to 'to be determined' but I am thinking about 1".
check out the large scale aquarium section. Many of those guys have rooms and such dedicated to the fuge/sump.
You will want to look at pressure rated pumps. they work good for moving water up from floor to floor. GenX or maybe the sequence UNO series.
The amusing thing about this is the UNO series is what came recommended by friends of mine on another forum. What helps make it so amusing to me personally, these are the same pumps we use on an entire line of tanks where I work in the evenings. (hehehe)
That's becasue they are good pumps and work well. THe only thing I don't like is the price but hey if you want pressure, they will deliver.
I learned yesterday that something like that, a light-weight version, something for the home, would run around $300 or so. Tempting but I need to do the math some more to make sure it's what I need.