Well you guys know how I wanted to do the 29 gallon clam tank? Well I revised my plans, in a 29 gallon tank, you are kinda restricted with space, and you arent gonna be able to keep a derasa or maxima for long in there cuz its gonna get so big, so I set up a 50 gallon BREEDER thats 36 by 18 by 18 i believe. That way I can basically keep whatever I want and how ever many I want. So I thought this is the best way to go. I figured for the 29 gallon maybe 4-5 clams. But the 50 gallon = ALOT. So I went to hellolights.com ( A great place mind you) and I was looking at their retrofit kits. I dont have a hood or anything for it. I will buy glass at homedepot for that. And I dont wanna spend more than 230 bucks for lighting. So I saw a 250 watt one for like 175 excluding bulb. (I will probably get an Ushio) Thanks for the input, ill get pics really soon whats its up and running. Sorry for the long post.