question for Gonodactylus


New member

Is it normal for a mantis to wander the tank, like making the rounds, every half hour to a hour ?

Mine does this and also swims / climbs to the top of the tank and then makes the rounds, ever wall from top to bottom. He then will dash back to his hole in the rock. Where he will sit and watch me on the computer.

Just wondering if this is normal ?

Not sure of the type, he is brown with orange legs and antenae (sp?), blue/ green raptorials and blue / green tail parts

Sorry no pictures

Thanks Roy

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Not all stomatopods do this, but animals searching for food, mates, or new cavities will frequently make extended excursions. In Panama I conducted a study where we placed on the reef flat serveral hundred artificial concrete cavities and opened them every day to see what animals were moving and colonizing the empty cavities. We caught mostly N. bredini and found that reproductive females were moving just before a full moon and males just after. This species also molts around the full moon and we found a fair number of newly molted animals that had been evicted from their cavities.
