Question for Ken Uy


Active member
Hi Ken,
Love your reef! I'm always interested to hear how people cope with encrusting organisms, since I think they add a nice dimension to a tank. You have a lot of zooanthids- do you do anything to try to keep them away from sps? Would you add them again if you were starting over?
Re: Question for Ken Uy

Thanks, Dan!

DanConnor said:
You have a lot of zooanthids- do you do anything to try to keep them away from sps?

The zoanthids haven't really tried to encrust over the sps, but I do sometimes pull some polyps away with forceps.

Would you add them again if you were starting over?

Probably not... when they cover the base of the sps, they're keeping the sps themselves from encrusting onto the rocks.

tank of the month

tank of the month


Great tank, stunning tank!! Incredible work for a 29 keep it up. Seeing your setup gives me hope for my 180 thats in the works. I hope to acheive half of your success!