question on clam placement


Active member
is it better to place the clams in the sandbed or up in the rock work?

i tried mine in both places and so far they seem to stay open beeter when in the rock work
Sup Scott, as you've seen, I always place mine on the sandbed since I like to save the rockwork real estate for the sps.

As far as mantle extension goes, rockwork or sandbed, won't make or break anything. In the wild most clams are found on rock, but like I said, it's not a big deal either way. Go for whatever looks more pleasing to you.

Email me some pics of your setup too man. You know my email.
whats up ali

whats up ali

thanks for the reply i am getting some new lenses for the digi this week then i will post some also i am getting rid of the 175 mh and getting the 250 on monday should be plenty of light now 2 250 watt ahlides and 4 110 vho on an 80 gallon 20 inches tall

hows your setup comming along got that ss where i want it now and it is working real good with current

It's only been a week or so but everythings doing real good. I'll try to get some pics up. Glad the SS is workin out good.


might have to hook up in the future and maybe get some more clams if you dont mind kind of like having them in the tank i can see where thay are going to be like the sps
do you feed yours i have been and they seem happy so far
A lot of people on this forum feed their clams. I don't. I still think the particle size in the foods available on the market now are still too large. A good refugium with lots of life, just like you have, is much better IMO.
Clam placement is really dependent on the type of clam. 'Boring'
clams-crocea,maxs like rock, high in the tank. squamosa,derasa etc.. seem better in the sand on the bottom.
There's a good article in the Aquarium Frontiers archive on by Knop on clam placement. Adam