Question on vertical clearance of the AquaC EV180 skimmer?


In Memoriam
I just double the size of my system and now have plans upgrade my skimmer to an AquaC EV180. However, before making the purchase I was hoping someone who currently owns one could confirm that I will have enough vertical clearance for assembly, maintenance, and cleaning.

The skimmer stands 20" and runs in sumps up to 9"deep without the need to raise the skimmer. My sump level is currently around 9.5" which means I will probably have to elevate the skimmer 1/2 to 1". (Comments on best known sump levels are appreciated.)

This leaves me with about 22" for the skimmer. Is this enough clearance? I think I can rearrange some plumbing and gain another 1/2" of vertical clearance if necessary, but thatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s it.

I found this statement on Marine Depot and I am just looking for real-world confirmation:
The improved "Twist-Lock" collection cup and cap makes for a secure, flanged connection without the need for set screws or other locking type unions. Simply twist to crack the seal (EPDM gaskets) and removal requires a scant Ã"šÃ‚¼" clearance. The new EV Series skimmers can be operated with AquaC's auto-waste container, which are available in 2.5 and 5 liter sizes.

Thanks for the help!

I have one and while I'd want more than 1/4 inch of room to take the top off, it's probably an accurate number. I'd leave about an inch for good measure.

In terms of elevating, you may need to go higher than you think. One of the keys to the 180 is getting the water level inside at the right place. I have a 9 inch deep sump and I've raised mine almost three inches. You really need to have the return line's PVC completely out of the water.

I've had a lot of trouble keeping the thing running properly and if I had it to do over, I'd buy something else. I mainly bought it for the small footprint in the sump.

At least this was my experience. Others might tell you differently.

Thank you. That was exactly the feedback I was hoping for. I was under the impression the AquaC was a great skimmer with a small foot-print and vertical requirements.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
After reading the ASM vs. EuroReef thread and seeing such strong positive feedback on the needlewheel skimmer design... I have begun to reconsider my skimmer selection.

Is the ASM G2 a better skimmer as far performance and noise to the EV180?

Since they have different ratings, will the G2 be adequate for a 110 gallon system?

I guess this is a question of the method of foam production. It seems the needlewheel uses less wattage for a similar sized reaction chamber. Is the needlewheel more efficient then the spray injection design?

I have an EV240 and it says the same thing. I've only raised mine 1" and it flows fine, but the 240 water level runs higher than the 180. Also, I would say you need more than a 1/4" to remove the top, I use at least an inch. Although a 1/4" in probably accurate, just not practical.

Once the skimmer is running, it works great. It just takes a while for it to kick in.