quick ricordea question

oldschool reef

New member
ok heres the deal, I have two blue fla. ricordea. they started out as one with two mouths, when it split, both left the rock they were mounted on. now they are stuck foot to foot, Ive had them in low flow area of tank, no luck. Ive put them in a glass with rubble, no luck. I cant use bridlevail as they are foot to foot. Its been an ongoing problem for a couple of months now,I could really use some ideas. thanks
You should be able to just slice the foot with a very sharp blade (scalpal or those medical scissors?) and have them be two completely separate polyps.
As slimey and blobby as they can get (sometimes if you can cut in the water it may be easier) ... if you aim for a nice even slice between the two both should have at least part of a foot and should be able to regenerate the rest of it fairly easy

Cool good luck, let us know how the mushroom surgery goes :)

And Yep Canarygirl.. I've got a multitude of huge enough corals for her to go in but she prefers the clip. I don't know what to say, at least the clip was free?