Rate this clam please


New member
1 to 10, 10 being the best. What would you rate the pattern to this clam? I realize the picture isn't that colorful. It's a Brown/Grey/White clam. It's a Maxima right? Thanks for your time!
I give it a 10. But, then again I give them all a 10. I can honestly say I have never seen an ugly clam.
bulldogger1 said:
I give it a 10. But, then again I give them all a 10. I can honestly say I have never seen an ugly clam.
I'd say only maybe 1% at best gigas are not ugly, but thats just my opinion :smokin:

I'd give that clam an 8, never seen that sort of pattern before.
It's a smaller clam, 2 inchces. I will 'spot' feed it at least every two days. What I plan on doing is taking an old water bottle with the bottom cut out. Then put it over the clam and 'insert' a teaspoon of DTs into the bottle top. From what I've red the clam should be able to make enough current to push around the DTs and filter it. Would the be a correct assumption? It is a little small for what I wanted as a biginner clam so any advice would be MUCH appreciated so that I don't risk this little guys life.
Feeding a good planktonic food like DT's phytoplankton is going to be imperative for this little guys survival.

I am assuming it is placed in the tank you have listed in your signature. You will have to be very diligent on keeping your water parameters stable. Salinity, ph and calcium are going to be very important. Nano's are tough simply because of stability issues. The lighting that you have is not sufficient for this clam.

Nice looking clam still, do your best. Rob