Really big tank for free- with catch


New member
Hey everyone. I thought I'd let everybody in the southern california area especially near Temecula know that there is a tank availiable of 800 gallons. It's at a store called the fish room on Aqua Vista Way in Temecula, and it's free. The owner is going to destroy it and throw it away because the rear glass is cracked. He said you could fix it for 700-1000 dollars but He doesn't want to. He'll give it away to anyone willing to arrange transportation. It's got two overflows and it looks pretty sweet to me, course I can't put it anywhere or afford to fix, but, just putting the word out in case anyone's interested. Hurry if you are, I have no idea when He's going to get rid of it.
If you can for sure find a glassmaker to fix it, then I would go for it. Assuming you can actually afford to get it going. Setting up a tank that large is easily going to cost >20k Plus
why dont they just fix it with sheet metal dipped in a silicone sealant... i know its not glass but it would hide any equipment you got in back anyway and i would image be helluva lot cheaper...
I hope your joking lol. Sheet metal..... Use W/E the tank is currently made of.
Not only would the thickness of the metal have to be pretty thick to withstand the bending, the weight would be far worse.