Here's a story I thought worth telling. Maybe others can learn something from it.
It concerns some issues I've been having with my tank since I first set it up...some of you are familiar with certain aspects of this story, others not...but there have been some developments lately, and I thought it worth explaining in some detail and getting some opinions.
After having my tank set up for a month or so (BB, with starboard bottom), my calcium levels were always low (around 350), but my alk levels were fine (around 10). Salt...IO. All that I've read suggested that dripping kalk to make up for evaporation was a well accepted method for increasing calcium and I began to do so and decided not to go the DIY 2-part/B-Ionic route since I knew that I would soon be setting up a calcium reactor. So I began to drip kalk constantly to make up for evaporative losses...about 1-2 gal/day.
After a few months of doing so, and checking parameters (note: my amm, trites, trates always read 0 when tested, so after a while, I stopped testing), I noticed my calcium really never changed, but my alk continued to rise:
Alk: initially, 10; slowly rose to 20!
Calcium: 350-380
pH a bit on the high side (8.4-8.5 during the day; 8.2 nite)
(wasn't really measuring Mg or PO4 at the time)
All the while, I was acquiring quite a few frags of SPS, including a couple of very large stag colonies. I was never quite happy with the coloration nor the growth based on what I've seen (in person as well as in online pics)...clearly though, conditions were not optimal...corals were growing, just very slowly. I assumed that it was most likely due to either high alk or low calcium, although it may have been due to PO4 or something else (pests etc...).
I eventually got my calcium reactor hooked up, tuned it, and calcium levels began to rise to around 420 and were stable there ever since. Alk was still abnormally high, but pH more stable around 8.1-8.3.
With the reactor online, I decided to stop dripping kalk...very reasonable...and after a few months, all parameters seemed just about perfect:
Calcium: 420 (Salifert)
Alk: 11-12 (two different kits; one Salifert)
pH 8.15-8.30 (I use a "lab grade" meter; continuous read)
Mg: 1320 (Salifert)
PO4: between "0" and lowest value; closer to "0" (Salifert)
Somewhere along the way, I had to treat for flat worms (FWE) and Red bugs (Interceptor); thought that the RB may be partial contributer to the problem, although unlikely since the infestation was relatively small.
Well, sometime around early December, I noticed that my large stag colonies (in particular) and some encrusted frags from the same colonies, as well as some other acro frags that had encrusted 1/2" to 1" (albeit, very slowly...some over 8 months!)...all at the same time began to show base recession (can measure it almost daily). I pretty much ruled out flow and light (frags in high flow/high light as well as larger colonies which may have been shaded from light and flow all showing same signs). Interestingly, my millis and montis all seemed "resistant"...growth in some slow...some a bit better...but no recession.
Started to "research" on RC...could be any of a number of reasons, but assumed its not calcium, Mg, alk (although a bit high, assumed 'ok'), RB, light, flow, salinity (remember I asked about cross-checking refractometers/hydrometers?), temperature...etc...
Started reading alot about Acro-eating FW. Symptoms sounded very similar. Eventually, I ruled them out as well (not 100%, but almost sure). So, at this point, I was pretty much convinced that the route of the problem was tank chemistry. But what?!?!
Turned my attention back to alk levels, since thats where I seemed to have the most "trouble". At first I thought that because my alk was reading 12 for so long, I worried that high alk levels may be the cause...posted the question in SPS forum and was pretty much told that those alk levels should not be a problem.
But I couldn't help thinking about the alk levels....remembering that when I was dosing kalk, although growth/color not great and alk was very high, "things" were much better (no base recession).
So.....after seeing Dan's thread and Pics of his 150...seeing how much coraline he had in there for sucha relatively short period of time (btw, he's BB too) compared to how very little I have...I was even more convinced that the problem lie in tank chemistry. I was surprised to learn that besides a calcium reactor, he also drips kalk and uses DIY 2-part.
At this point, I figured I had nothing to lose and I decided to go back to using kalk and dosing DIY 2-part as well..regardless of what the calcium/alkalinity test kits say. Figure that my corals are a better judge of tank chemistry and I decided to let them "tell" me.
Started using kalk for all evaporation make-up and adding 1/4 cup each DIY 2-part for exactly 11 days as of this post...
ALL recession completely stopped...ALL encrusted frags that were receding began to re-encrust, some grew fast enough to recover all tissue lost over the last 3 on my acros are beginning to grow/color-up...its literally unbeleivable. I'm amazed at the changes that I am seeing in only 11 days!
Definately, the problem was related either directly or indirectly to calcium and/or alkalinity levels that could be corrected for by kalk and/or DIY 2-part (not sure which).
So, obviously you see why I am confussed...test kits say calcium and alkalinity levels are fine (420 and 12, respectively), but after using kalk and 2-part, my corals are telling me that those levels were not fine. Guess I will continue to use kalk and 2-part, listen to my corals, and discard my test kits.
Any comments?
Thanks for taking time to read.
It concerns some issues I've been having with my tank since I first set it up...some of you are familiar with certain aspects of this story, others not...but there have been some developments lately, and I thought it worth explaining in some detail and getting some opinions.
After having my tank set up for a month or so (BB, with starboard bottom), my calcium levels were always low (around 350), but my alk levels were fine (around 10). Salt...IO. All that I've read suggested that dripping kalk to make up for evaporation was a well accepted method for increasing calcium and I began to do so and decided not to go the DIY 2-part/B-Ionic route since I knew that I would soon be setting up a calcium reactor. So I began to drip kalk constantly to make up for evaporative losses...about 1-2 gal/day.
After a few months of doing so, and checking parameters (note: my amm, trites, trates always read 0 when tested, so after a while, I stopped testing), I noticed my calcium really never changed, but my alk continued to rise:
Alk: initially, 10; slowly rose to 20!
Calcium: 350-380
pH a bit on the high side (8.4-8.5 during the day; 8.2 nite)
(wasn't really measuring Mg or PO4 at the time)
All the while, I was acquiring quite a few frags of SPS, including a couple of very large stag colonies. I was never quite happy with the coloration nor the growth based on what I've seen (in person as well as in online pics)...clearly though, conditions were not optimal...corals were growing, just very slowly. I assumed that it was most likely due to either high alk or low calcium, although it may have been due to PO4 or something else (pests etc...).
I eventually got my calcium reactor hooked up, tuned it, and calcium levels began to rise to around 420 and were stable there ever since. Alk was still abnormally high, but pH more stable around 8.1-8.3.
With the reactor online, I decided to stop dripping kalk...very reasonable...and after a few months, all parameters seemed just about perfect:
Calcium: 420 (Salifert)
Alk: 11-12 (two different kits; one Salifert)
pH 8.15-8.30 (I use a "lab grade" meter; continuous read)
Mg: 1320 (Salifert)
PO4: between "0" and lowest value; closer to "0" (Salifert)
Somewhere along the way, I had to treat for flat worms (FWE) and Red bugs (Interceptor); thought that the RB may be partial contributer to the problem, although unlikely since the infestation was relatively small.
Well, sometime around early December, I noticed that my large stag colonies (in particular) and some encrusted frags from the same colonies, as well as some other acro frags that had encrusted 1/2" to 1" (albeit, very slowly...some over 8 months!)...all at the same time began to show base recession (can measure it almost daily). I pretty much ruled out flow and light (frags in high flow/high light as well as larger colonies which may have been shaded from light and flow all showing same signs). Interestingly, my millis and montis all seemed "resistant"...growth in some slow...some a bit better...but no recession.
Started to "research" on RC...could be any of a number of reasons, but assumed its not calcium, Mg, alk (although a bit high, assumed 'ok'), RB, light, flow, salinity (remember I asked about cross-checking refractometers/hydrometers?), temperature...etc...
Started reading alot about Acro-eating FW. Symptoms sounded very similar. Eventually, I ruled them out as well (not 100%, but almost sure). So, at this point, I was pretty much convinced that the route of the problem was tank chemistry. But what?!?!
Turned my attention back to alk levels, since thats where I seemed to have the most "trouble". At first I thought that because my alk was reading 12 for so long, I worried that high alk levels may be the cause...posted the question in SPS forum and was pretty much told that those alk levels should not be a problem.
But I couldn't help thinking about the alk levels....remembering that when I was dosing kalk, although growth/color not great and alk was very high, "things" were much better (no base recession).
So.....after seeing Dan's thread and Pics of his 150...seeing how much coraline he had in there for sucha relatively short period of time (btw, he's BB too) compared to how very little I have...I was even more convinced that the problem lie in tank chemistry. I was surprised to learn that besides a calcium reactor, he also drips kalk and uses DIY 2-part.
At this point, I figured I had nothing to lose and I decided to go back to using kalk and dosing DIY 2-part as well..regardless of what the calcium/alkalinity test kits say. Figure that my corals are a better judge of tank chemistry and I decided to let them "tell" me.
Started using kalk for all evaporation make-up and adding 1/4 cup each DIY 2-part for exactly 11 days as of this post...
ALL recession completely stopped...ALL encrusted frags that were receding began to re-encrust, some grew fast enough to recover all tissue lost over the last 3 on my acros are beginning to grow/color-up...its literally unbeleivable. I'm amazed at the changes that I am seeing in only 11 days!
Definately, the problem was related either directly or indirectly to calcium and/or alkalinity levels that could be corrected for by kalk and/or DIY 2-part (not sure which).
So, obviously you see why I am confussed...test kits say calcium and alkalinity levels are fine (420 and 12, respectively), but after using kalk and 2-part, my corals are telling me that those levels were not fine. Guess I will continue to use kalk and 2-part, listen to my corals, and discard my test kits.
Any comments?
Thanks for taking time to read.