Red Sea Marine Lab Tests


Premium Member
I have Red Sea Marine Lab Test Kit and I did test this morning.

NitrAte - 0.0
NitrIte - 0.1
pH - 8.1 (Hard to tell the exact on the colors.)
Alk - Normal
NH4/NH+4 - under 0.25

So, are they normal so far?

The red slimes had been poofed out of the tank. Thank goodness!
Everything looks normal except for the phosphates, That should be at 0 also. Although those levels won't kill anything, It's best to keep it at 0.
Get yourself a phosphate remover ( Rowaphos or Phosban ) put it in a media bag ( very fine ) or buy a reactor ( usually around 32 bucks at Marine Depot or Custom Aquatic ). Good Luck!
Hmm, normal as in normal for a tank that is still cycling? You are showing both nitrIte and ammonia - both of those are toxic and should be 0, especially the ammonia, before you add anything. Does you ALK test give a numeric value in milli-equivalents (m/eq) or degrees carbonate hardness (dkh)? If so what is the number? I didn't see any numbers for phosphate, maybe you edited the post since cyclebrkr replied.

Given your current tests it shows that your tank is definitely cycling. Test again to be sure of your numbers above, then keep testing on a weekly basis. You should see ammonia and nitrite go down to 0, and will probably see nitrAte go up, then lower again (possibly to 0). Then it is safe to add some cleanup crew, fish, and corals.... slowly :)
I had removed about 4 measuring cups of 4 cup each and pour in fresh salt water which had a bit too much salt so I filled up the rest with RO water. After an hour, I took those tests which I had posted. Some of you remembered that I had an red slime outbreak. It had gone from all red to a bit red on the sand, I can see all LR now.

My Red Sea Marine Lab tests for pH, Alk, NH3, NH4, NO2 and NO3 which only color comparing which gave me an wild guess on the ppm.

None else that you suggested me to test on ammonia, dkh, phosphate, and others.

Shall I get different test kits or what? I recalled that Red Sea test kits are so-so.
You did test ammonia (NH4). dkh = units of alkalinity. You want to be at the clear (or whatever color = 0) on ammonia and nitrite. Salifert kits are usually regarded to be among the best but you can probably get by with what you have for now.

Nitrite should be zero, so looks like your tank is still cycling. Don't be surprised if you get a spike in Nitrate as the nitrite gets converted to nitrate.

As soon as nitrite goes to zero then you can add a cleanup crew...

What's your tank's temperature and specific gravity (Salinity)?
