Red Sea Max for Sale


New member
Hello Everyone,

It has been some time since I was on the site. Well as many of you know I had to sell my big tank and buy a smaller tank due to me moving into an apartment that doesn't allow any ANIMALS!!!
Well I was able to keep the tank a secret for 6 months but they caught me.

I have it at my parents house for about two weeks and have decided to sell it. Here are the following items for sale:

1. 6 month old Red Sea Max 34 gallon tank. The tank is in perfect shape, no scratches. It is an incredible machine, all cables are hidden. It has a skimmer, two pumps, two lights t-5, heater, etc.

2. about 150 pounds of RED live rock!!!! The nicest you will find.

3. a few corals
Red Scoly (three years with me)
Yellow leather (two years with me)
Small rock with 3 tri color florida rics that I collected in Puerto Rico
two blood shrimps
a small rock with orange yumas
a small rock with neon green cinammon polyps 7 pieces
orange zoos
eagle eye zoos
a big colony of acan that i have grown out over the past three years
a few other misc. corals.

I also have a bunch of parts for a calcium reactor. These pieces have never been used. All aqua medic
call me if you are interested. 305.303.0115

I will sell in pieces or together.

Sorry to hear you are not keeping the Redsea Max going...
I am interested in the Small rock with 3 tri color florida rics that I collected in Puerto Rico, two blood shrimps and the acan.
I left you a message on your phone....thanks

Hi there, based on the history of coral quality, Morgan will probably want to buy all the livestock except for the rock :) Let us know if you want to unload them all together. JOHNNY
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i guess 2nd on the Small rock with 3 tri color florida rics that I collected in Puerto Rico

a small rock with orange yumas

orange zoos

a few other misc. corals.
im all for the following..

about 150 pounds of RED live rock
eagle eye zoos
a few other misc. corals.
a small rock with neon green cinammon polyps 7 pieces

id like some prices though :P


hey johnny & morgan,

I hope all is well, how is business?

I can't believe i am leaving the hobby after 12 years!!! I will be back once we move from the apartment to the house that we currently have rented out!!

I admit that selling the big tank and down sizing after the sale of 95% of all my corals was tough... better word is deppressing after collecting and growing for some many years.

well i will be back with maybe a 400 gallon in wall....dreaming...