Reef Central has 1 millionth post


RC Staff
Staff member

Members: 21,533, Threads: 147,213, Posts: 1,000,000
Welcome to our newest member, someoneisme
The time now is 03:51 PM.
Sparkysreef said:
ricksreef.........doesn't that subscription come with a trial version of RC's instant PM :lolspin:

yup, & the best online mag to boot.

get it ? to boot.ahahaha, oh, i crack me up.:p
At the rate your going, it won't be long until you hit your 2 millionth post.:)

Thanks John,

My Reefcentral Routine

My Reefcentral Routine

Wake up, look at Reefcentral before taking shower. Peruse Reefcentral at work, come home, say hi to wife, hug kid, look at tank, go to computer in home office and look at Reefcentral some more before wife yells at me.

Repeat daily.

Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

2 million will be reached in no time with the improved speed and features!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhh baby!

Congratulations to all! This is the best place to be!

Mary :celeb1: