Reef Maintenance Software


New member
Don't know if it's the right forum to ask this, but I'm searching, (with poor results) for a reliable, downloadable (freeware, shareware or whatever-ware) reef maintenance software, so I hope that any of you can point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

I use Aquacon. It was a freeware program. There is also a pay version with more features, but the free version does everything I need. Unfortunatley I do not know where I found it at. Try a search on here for "aquacon" or "aquacon 2000".
Try ReefCon LT...Infinity Software this is the freeware version. I used this version when it was called ReefCon 2000 and really liked it but wanted more features so wound up getting the Pro version.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6947953#post6947953 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dannieh42
I am a newbie so please frogive my dumb question but what would "reef maintenance software" do?

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

No dumb questions. The reef maintenance software is just a handy tool that you can use to input info about your tank, maintenance and inhabitants. Basically you can keep info on your livestock (i.e. when & where you bought it, size, price, food used, even pics), also you can keep track of maintenance task such as water changes, when bulbs were changed last etc. The program I use will also send reminders (for different task), will keep track of equipment & livestock cost plus track tank parameters (temp, pH, alk, calcium etc...). It's a great tool to use if you can keep up with manually inputing all the info.
Of all the above mentioned, I think I'll stick with ReefCon, I've downloaded the trial version of ReefCon Pro and it is truly complete and exactly what I was looking for.

doxyman: is the ReefCon LT (free version) as complete as it's Pro brother or is there a big difference?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6952058#post6952058 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by agarza
doxyman: is the ReefCon LT (free version) as complete as it's Pro brother or is there a big difference?

It has been several years since I used the freeware but from what I recall, it would only allow tracking for one tank. Also since the freeware was released, newer pay versions with more features have come out. These newer features were not implemented into the older freeware so basically it's the same as when it was first released. IMO I think the newer Pro version has enough features to justify purchasing it.
I know what you mean, ReefCon Pro is really great, I'll try it for the 30 day trial period and probably end up paying for it.
